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 avalonsspam: mood because i drank too much, lost my phone sometime last night, woke up with a hangover, and puked in the shower

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avalonsspam: mood because i drank too much, lost my phone sometime last night, woke up with a hangover, and puked in the shower. i want death.

bethmorningstar: wow i'm hot

avalonsspam: agreed

victoireweasley: you're so dramatic. come to breakfast, i'll bring you a hangover potion from the hospital wing

avalonsspam: what would i do without you

victoireweasley: die, probably

violettachambers: that was you gagging in the showers this morning?

avalonsspam: unfortunately.

alainamason: are you still coming to hogsmeade with me and jo?

avalonsspam: when are you leaving?

alainamason: around 2 or so

avalonsspam: if i stop wanting to die by then, sure

lunaweasley: i'm assuming you found your phone?

avalonsspam: no i'm using beth's phone, hence the picture. still can't find it anywhere

laurelweasley: check under your bed

avalonsspam: found it!! thank you laurel

isabelweasley: drunk av is my favorite av

josephinebrooks: dragged avalon out to hogsmeade

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josephinebrooks: dragged avalon out to hogsmeade

arthurnweasley: ah, right where she belongs

avalonweasley: i swear to god i'll crucio your ass

alainamason: take a shot every time av said "my head hurts"

avalonweasley: no thanks! already had enough alcohol poisoning last night. don't need any more

alexnewport: did avalon willingly get into the rubbish bin or did you push her?

josephinebrooks: i'm offended you even asked. of course i pushed her.

was gonna write that vic stole avalon's phone for some reason but 1)couldn't find a reason to justify why she'd do that and 2)don't want avalon to fight w anyone else rn

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