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The Weasley children and their friends barrelled through the door of their London townhome, excited to dump their trunks and sleep in their own beds that night.

Avalon went straight to the kitchen, where her mother was sitting at the counter, laptop in front of her, with her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She looked up as her daughter slammed the door open, and a grin seeped onto her face.

"Oh, my darling girl!" Amelia exclaimed, getting up from her stool to hug her. "I missed you! How was the end of term?"

Avalon couldn't help but get a little choked up as her mother hugged her. Christmas and Easter breaks were not enough time to spend with Amelia Weasley. No matter how much she hated the secrets her mother kept from her about the war, or how overprotective she could be at times, Amelia was one the lights of Avalon's life, the others being Teddy and Beth.

"It was good." Avalon answered honestly. "I might have missed you just a teeny bit."

Now that part was a lie.

Amelia rolled her eyes and squeezed Avalon once more before letting go. "Alright, what do you want for dinner? I'll make whatever you want."

After dinner and dessert, the general consensus among the Weasley children was that they were all far too tired to do their usual karaoke night, for the train ride back from Hogwarts had drained them of energy.

So Avalon and Beth sat on Avalon's bed in her room, dressed in their pajamas, with Beth's phone between them as they listened to their shared, collaborative favorites playlist.

There was a knock on the redhead's bedroom door, and before Avalon could get up from her bed, the door opened just a bit and Teddy's head peeked through the gap.

"Hey, love." Teddy said sweetly. "Just came in to say goodnight."

Avalon felt herself blush; even after a tiringly long train ride, dinner with her whole family, and sitting through a muggle movie with all nine of them, he hadn't yet grown sick of her and wanted to wish her goodnight.

"I'll just... go get a drink of water." Beth said to Avalon with a sly smile, quietly excusing herself from the room and shutting the door behind her.

Teddy was at her side in an instant and kissed her, one hand reaching around to grab the back of her neck and the other weaving into her long, red hair.

"Let me take you on a date tomorrow." He said lowly, roughly, even, between kisses.

If her cheeks weren't already red, they were, now. A shiver shot down her spine.

"A-Alright." She struggled to get the word out because of how flustered she was.

He smiled, leaning in again to give her another long, passionate kiss, and she swore if she was standing her knees would have given out.

Avalon let him steal another kiss before he rose from the bed.

Stroking her cheek with his thumb, Teddy said, "Goodnight, Ava. Love you. See you in the morning."

He left her bedroom then, looking over his shoulder to give her one more smile.

She was thankful that even a few months into their relationship, he was still trying his hardest to make things special. She was reminded why she fell for him—actually fell for him, not just developing a crush on him when she was six—in the first place.

Beth came back in a few moments later, smiling knowingly as if she'd heard everything that had been said between the two of them.

Then, surprisingly, a disgruntled-looking Cordelia Rosier came sulking through Avalon's bedroom door, wearing one of Isabel's t-shirts and a pair of plaid green shorts.

"Uh, hey, Cordelia. What're you doing in here?" Avalon asked, eyebrows raised.

Cordelia huffed. "Your mum said I can't sleep in Izzy's room because we're, like, dating, or whatever. She said I have to sleep in here." She answered gruffly.

Laughing, the redhead replied, "What, does she not realize that you two used to have sleepovers at Hogwarts all the bloody time?"

"That's what I said!" Cordelia exclaimed, making herself at home and taking a seat on the edge of Avalon's bed. "It's not like I'm going to shag her or anything. Besides, it's not fair that you and Oliver get to have a sleepover with your best friends but I don't."

Avalon sighed, getting up from the bed. "Alright, well, either me or Beth can go sleep in Isabel's room, and whoever doesn't can share my room with you—because I don't have anywhere else for you to sleep, unless you want to take the floor."

Cordelia scrunched her nose up in disgust as she surveyed the decent-sized room. "No thanks. Don't make me take the floor."

"I can go sleep with Isabel. Godric knows I haven't had any time to hang out with her lately." Beth volunteered, already grabbing her blanket and pillow, as well as the case for her retainer.

After Beth cleared out, and only Cordelia and Avalon were left in the room, the shorter brunette looked at the elder girl with a look of high expectations on her face.

"Er, what side do you prefer to sleep on?" Avalon said awkwardly, standing in the middle of her bedroom with her hands clasped in front of her.

Cordelia shruggled. "Don't care. Whatever you want."

"...Alright then."

As they got into bed, both on the very edge so as to not accidentally brush against each other during the night, Avalon felt a spike of fear shoot through her.

"Please don't murder me in my sleep."

"I wasn't planning on it, but if you keep talking, I might."

cordelia is so funny LMFAO everyone is scared of her and she's just like "oh well might as well make them even more scared"

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