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Isabel came thundering down the stairs the night before Easter, phone in her hand and a scared expression on her face.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Avalon said from where she sat on the couch with Teddy, her feet kicked up on his lap.

Isabel's face was red, and her eyes were welling up with tears. "Delia texted me. She came out to her dad today. And she said he didn't take it well." She explained, going to her sister for comfort.

Avalon was quick to open her arms and allow Isabel to crawl into her lap. "Well, did you tell her to come over? You know she's always welcome here, Is. If her dad didn't take it well, just have her stay here until he calms down."

"You don't get it. She was terrified of telling him because she was scared of how he'd react. She said he's not letting her out of the house and he took her phone and wand right after she sent me that." Isabel rushed to get her words out, resting her head on her sister's shoulder. "Av, I'm scared for her."

The redhead locked eyes with Teddy over Isabel's head. "Alright. So we'll go get her and bring her back here."

Isabel looked up at her sister. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Of course. She's family."

Avalon let go of Teddy's hand after apparating the three of them onto the street that Cordelia lived on, but she held onto Isabel just to make sure she didn't start crying again.

"Alright, Is, you stay behind me. Whatever's happening in there isn't something I want you to see." Avalon said, taking the lead and walking up the driveway to Rosier Manor.

The house was intimidating, to say the very least. It was easy for her to see how growing up in a place that was terrifying to even look at, let alone live in, could cause someone like Cordelia to have a very different world view than someone like Isabel, who grew up in a loving, warm home where kindness and acceptance were the foundation of their morals.

Before they even reached the front door, Avalon heard a scream, and through the windows she saw flashes of red light that lit up the dark courtyard.

She had to physically restrain her sister when Isabel lurched towards the house, and it took both Avalon and Teddy to hold her back.

"Aberto." Avalon whispered, pointing her wand towards the door. The knob turned, and the ornate wood door swung open to reveal a dark house.

The screams were louder now, and Avalon was able to see where they were coming from: Cordelia Rosier was crumpled in a heap at the bottom of a winding spiral staircase, and from the floor above a man that Avalon could only assume was Clarence Rosier was standing at attention, his wand, shooting out a jet of red magic, pointed at his daughter.

The Cruciatus Curse, Avalon realized only a moment after seeing it.

Cordelia's screams were agonizing, and Avalon was frozen, only broken from her trance when Teddy shouted "Stupefy!" and stunned the man.

Rosier went flying out of sight, and Isabel ran over to Cordelia.

The small brunette was sobbing, chest rising and falling with uneven breaths, and she trembled so hard that her teeth chattered.

"Teddy, get them outside. I don't want them to see what I'm about to do." Avalon whispered to her boyfriend, who knelt next to the pair of younger girls.

His head snapped up, and he looked at her like she was crazy. "Ava, no. You are not facing him on your own." He said lowly, trying not to agitate Isabel or Cordelia any further.

MISSED CALLS ➡︎ TEDDY LUPIN [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now