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The Howler from Amelia Weasley arrived that Wednesday, delivered by the family owl right at breakfast.

"Oh, godric." Avalon muttered when the blood red envelope fell into her lap. She looked up at Beth, who sat next to her, with wide eyes.

"Well?" Beth said, dropping her fork back into the plate of eggs before her. "Open it before it explodes."

Avalon's hands shook as she broke the seal, and she cringed when her mother's voice came wailing out of the envelope.

"Avalon Fleur Weasley, you got into a fight? And I had to hear from it from Professor McGonagall? You have the audacity to fight someone before a quidditch match? Did you even think about how the Harpies might reconsider your spot on their team if they hear about this? Godric, Avalon, think before you hit someone next time!"

There was a bit of rustling from the Howler, almost like static from a voicemail, and suddenly her father's voice was coming out of the envelope, much softer and less angry than her mother's.

"Hey, Av. Nice job. Although, I wasn't happy to hear about the busted hands. I thought I taught you how to throw a better punch than that?"

The voices stopped, and the paper began to shred itself up before her very eyes.

She looked at her friends and teammates with a sheepish grin, embarrassed to just have been screamed at by her mother in front of the entire great hall. Luckily, however, it didn't seem like Amelia was angry about the fight, just about what it might do to her spot on the Holyhead Harpies team.

"Atta girl, Av." Alaina told her, winking teasingly.

Then, across the hall at the Hufflepuff table, it seemed like a certain seeker with two black eyes and a swollen face had gotten a Howler, too.

"Listen, Shepherd." Amelia Weasley's voice was far more furious than it had been in Avalon's Howler, and Megan's face had gone pale. "If you ever, and I mean ever, speak about any of my children in a negative way ever again, I swear to all that is holy that I will do worse than my daughter. She might pick her battles with you, but I will not. If I hear that she, or anyone else, has a problem with you, it will be on sight."

Victoire burst out into laughter from a few seats down at the Hufflepuff table, and she was laughing so hard that she keeled over, nearly falling off the bench.

one more

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