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Avalon had enough sense to get to the ground before the pain had her writhing, and the moment her feet touched the turf, she was keeled over, cradling her broken hand.

"Av! Av, look at me. Are you okay?" Her Aunt Ginny was next to her suddenly, one hand on her shoulder, with frantic brown eyes staring intensely at her.

Avalon let out a string of curses so profane, they would have earned a talking-to from her mother.

The team healer came running over, her wand at the ready and a bag full of what Avalon assumed were potions in her hand.

Was this as bad as the pain she felt after getting her broom smashed by a Bludger and nearly falling to her death last year? No, not even close. But did it still hurt like a bitch? Absolutely.

The healer made a tsk, tsk sound. "Oh, Miss Weasley." She whispered, frowning. "It looks like the bones in your hand have been, for lack of a better word, pulverized."

The rest of the team gathered around her, including Coach Jones, who looked down at the young Seeker with disdain.

"We still won, though. Right?" Avalon said weakly.

The healer had taken Avalon into the changing rooms to get a better look at her hand and be able to fix it with some semblance of privacy.

It was probably a good thing that they were away from the crowd, because Avalon screamed like a banshee when the healer used a bone-mending spell.

She sat on one of the benches afterwards, flexing her hand and wriggling her fingers to test their mobility, and she clenched her jaw at the achy feeling.

"Oi, Weasley."

Her head snapped upwards, and she grinned upon seeing Teddy in all his teal-haired glory, smiling at her like she hung the stars. She was off the bench in half a second, and in another half-second she was in his arms, hugging him as if she hadn't seen him in years; to be fair, it had felt like years. She'd missed him something terrible.

"You were great out there. And how's that hand?" He said, once she had let him go after nearly five minutes of holding onto him.

She blushed at his praise before holding her hand out for him to see. "A little stiff, but it's not broken anymore. It might take me some practice to get used to, y'know, using it."

Teddy laughed at her response. "You've put your hands through enough, Ava. I mean, after what you did to Shepherd, I don't think they can handle another break."

She pulled him close to her and burrowed her head in his chest, inhaling deeply. "Hey, last time it was only a couple fractured knuckles on each hand. I'm fairly certain they can give out a few more beatings before they're done for good." She said, voice muffled against the fabric of his shirt.

"Merlin, I missed you." He whispered into her hair.

She craned her neck and leaned up to kiss him deeply, fingers digging into his blue hair and pulling his face nearer. He reciprocated the fierceness of her kiss by grabbing her hip with one hand and wrapping the other around the back of her neck.

"I love you." She mumbled against his lips.

"I love you more." He replied.

They were unfortunately interrupted when a familiar voice came from the door of the changing rooms.

"Goddamnit, Teddy. Stop fondling my sister." Oliver said, disgusted.

He and Lawrence stood side by side, and she noticed the subtle gold bands around each of their ring fingers.

Avalon grinned and went to hug her brother, squeezing him tightly and laughing when he lifted her up and spun her around.

"These are for you, Av." Lawrence said kindly, and he thrust a bouquet of daylilies into her hands. "From your mum and Isabel. They told us to tell you that they send their love."

She thanked him by hugging him as well. "Laurie, you really are too good for my brother." She said teasingly. 

"Shut the fuck up, Avalon."

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