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Avalon burst through the doors of the library, making the elderly librarian glare at her.

She was still dressed in her clothes from tryouts—a pair of white athletic shorts and a red tank top—and her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail; her shoulders and forehead were shiny with sweat, and she looked like she had literally run from the quidditch pitch to the library.

"Sorry I'm late," She panted, sitting down across the table from Teddy Lupin. "Quidditch tryouts went a little long, but I'm here now.

Teddy smiled at her and ruffled his turquoise hair. "You're alright, Ava. Did you at least make seeker?"

She gave him a pointed look. "Obviously."

"Well, congrats! But that just means you and I will be facing off during every match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor." He replied with a mischevous glint in his eyes.

She had almost forgotten that Teddy and her brother, Oliver, were both on the Hufflepuff quidditch team, joining the same year that she had. But how could she forget, when Oliver rubbed it in her face the entire summer that Hufflepuff had beaten Gryffindor in the final match last year?

Avalon just rolled her eyes and dumped her Divination textbook onto the table, where it hit the wood with a bang.

"Shut it, Lupin. Let's just get you caught up, yeah?"

i love them

MISSED CALLS ➡︎ TEDDY LUPIN [2] ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum