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"Also, since when does your mum have tattoos?"

Avalon laughed as she glanced up from her breakfast, seeing Cordelia looking at Isabel with a stunned expression.

Amelia, who was at the stove flipping pancakes, turned around. "Since I was twenty-one. Got the first when Oliver was born, then one for Avalon, one for Arthur, and one for Isabel. Then my sister and I got matching ones. Fred and I got matching ones for our tenth wedding anniversary, too. Oh, and then there's the ones I got for Sirius and Percy, and my dad."

She did what she called her "tattoo tour," pulling the sleeve of her t-shirt up to reveal her left bicep, which was marked with ink lettering. At the top of her arm was OPW, and down her arm was also AFW, ANW, and IMW. Just under the crook of her elbow was another list, except these three tattoos were in Roman numerals: VI-XVIII-MCMXCVI, V-II-MCMXCVIII, and I-XXIII-MCMXCIII.

She turned so her back was to the children, pulling her hair away from her neck to reveal an ornately-shaded moon on the back of her neck, below her hairline; Bellamy had gotten a similarly-drawn sun, because Amelia could not shine without her sister.

She faced them again, this time pulling down the collar of her shirt to reveal a line of writing that read decem annis in flowing script, which was Latin for ten years.

"Oh, bloody hell." Cordelia breathed. "I saw the ones on your forearm, but nine tattoos? That's madness. My parents would kill me!"

There was a sudden silence, as if all of the words had been sucked straight out of their mouths, when Cordelia mentioned her parents. Amelia had known her father from Hogwarts, and if he was anything like she remembered, he was not a kind, good man.

"Oi, you've only seen nine of them. There's a couple more secret ones that only I know about." Fred broke the quietness of the room, using humor to diffuse the tension.

Avalon and Isabel looked at each other and gagged. "Gross." They said at the same time.

short lil thing bc date chapter is up next

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