It's the most wonderful time of the year!

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Lan wangji pushed Wei Ying against the closed elevator doors and started kissing him like an unsatiated animal. Obviously, After he pressed the floor to their penthouse, which just so happened to be the last floor which gave him more time to kiss his fiance and rile him up.

"Mmph~" wei ying groaned when lan zhan pressed his leg in between his legs, grinding against his crotch. Smirking into the kiss Lan Zhan carded his hands through his partners fluffy grey hair when he had successfully riled him up.

Knowing that nobody was going to catch them in the act had just boosted the man's confidence even further, he owned the damned building anyways. Picking wei ying up by his thighs Lan Zhan walked Inside their penthouse not breaking away from the most enticing thing he had ever initiated.

The penthouse was luxurious, if not way better than any better penthouse ever. Living in one of the most expensive buildings of Beijing, Lan wangji had spared no costs when he moved in with wei ying over two years ago.

The floors were made up of one of the finest woods ever, whilst the walls were painted with dim colors just how wei ying and lan zhan liked with tens of portraits painted by wei ying were hung on the velveteen walls in a pattern through the stairs of the first floor.

A huge glass wall giving them one of the finest views of Beijing in all its glory, as tall buildings and any scrapers stood above in order.

A warm recliner near the glass wall with warm carpeted floors. One could see such a luxury only in the houses of the riches, the only thing the penthouse lacked was mirrors.

As Lan Zhan carried wei ying upstairs in his arms to give him the best time of their lives, a phone call had almost cockblocked them. If only Lan Zhan wasn't so turned on he would have actually considered picking up his uncle's call.

"Mmnn~" wei ying mewled gripping onto Lan zhan's back, as the older almost got to the good part where he strips his fiance in the smoothest way ever, A shrill scream from downstairs made lan zhan and wei ying back away from eachother.

"Wangji!" The voice called them out as the sound of the elevator door closing could be heard.

"Would you look at that! It's your uncle this time" wei ying whispered, sarcasm dripping from his tone. He threw his head against the fluffed up pillow and groaned when he realised that he was supposed to walk down still very much hard and aroused.

Putting his sweatshirt back on his body in a hurry as he watched lan wangji left on a high wei ying huffed out a slight laugh. Lan wangji groaned slightly and put his shirt back on hiding his lucious body from wei ying who was already by the door ready to walk downstairs, so that he could set lan qiren's beard on fire.

"Just when you were about to do me" Wei Ying huffed like a child and tied his messed up hair with the hair tie around his wrist, the gloved right hand visible for Lan zhan to see as he tied his hair; was enough to make him frown slightly even though one could not possibly notice it.

"Come down, Lan wangji! I need to castrate you!" A familiar voice rang behind the old man, scaring the life out of wei ying when he realised that it was none other than his brother standing downstairs along with lan qiren in all their glory followed by lan xichen who had his usual gentle smile on his face.

"Look! even my brother's here, you can't fuck me until next year now" wei ying whispered to his fiance whilst they walked downstairs with a not-so-nervous looks on their faces.

"What's up!" Wei Ying chirped hugging lan qiren first screaming right into the old man's ears so that he could regret showing up in the first place.

"Don't scream" Lan qiren reminded him and hugged him back; pulling away after a few seconds since he did not like skin ship.

"I should have never let my brother move in with you" Jiang cheng murmured angrily glaring at lan xichen, his husband who did not dare to argue with him.

"A'cheng calm down they didn't see his face" Lán xichen reminded gently as he watched his face turn red from anger.

That's when Lan Zhan realised why half of his family was here ready to choke him to death. Those people must have really gotten close to him this time. "did they see his face?" Lan zhan asked when he realised that he left his phone upstairs.

"Not really, they did get a glimpse of his hair and that glove. Not the engagement ring, you are fine so far" Lan Xichen replied back assuring his brother that it was nothing bad.

"Tch~you didn't need to barge in like that, I thought old man here got a heart attack" Wei Ying said sitting down on the barcalounger with a bored look on his face.

Lan wangji spotted with his beau!

The young master of the lan empire was spotted with his beau for the third time this week. The grey haired beau presumed to be the twenty four year olds fiance was also earlier spotted with the Jiang's and the Jin's.

Lan Zhan almost had his face scrunched up in anger as he read the article whilst he sat down on the couch calmly reading one of the hundred articles trending all over Beijing.

"You were seen with him?" Lan zhan asked Jiang cheng with a dark look on his face. The man with the purple sweatshirt huffed slightly and looked at wei ying who had closed his eyes long ago not wanting to listen to the things they were speaking.

"Wake me up if you have alcohol" wei ying murmured shifting on his own without hissing from the pain his right hand was usually in.

"I happened to pass by the studio and he wasn't in university, thought I might go out with him" Jiang cheng replied back not making an eye contact with lan wangji who was glaring right through his soul.

"Outside? You almost went on a trip with him" lan xichen retorted back remembering the moment when he thought that his husband was going to divorce him when witnessed him packing his clothes in a hurry.

The mysterious man just so happens to be the trend setter the whole world needs!

A picture of Wei Ying standing with Jin Zixuan was attached below the article, in which the glove wei ying wore was zoomed in and his ash-grey hair was highlighted.

Why would the mysterious beau of lan wangji wear only one glove?

With over ten million posts on weibo, lan wangji's grey haired beauty seems to be the new trend setter!

Is wei wuxian still alive?

Lan Zhan froze when he read the last article, he looked at lan xichen who seemed to understand his tension when he read the last article.

"How did they suddenly get to his name, you might ask?" Wanyin interuppted looking at lan qiren who had a major hand in this.

"Your dearest uncle almost slipped out a very important name during a very, very, very important meeting" Jiang cheng sassed out looking at the man who seemed to have been regretting his life decisions.

"It wasn't my fault that the boy sent me a picture of his hair when I was talking" lan qiren interuppted throwing the blame back on wei ying who was sound asleep with his headphones on.

' how did he get them so fast?' lan qiren thought not remembering the headphones around his head.

The sleeping twenty three year olds face suddenly formed a smile, The once peaceful look on his face turned into a wide grin before he opened his mouth.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Wei Ying exclaimed jamming his favourite Christmas song in his sleep. Jiang cheng slightly taken aback, smiled before he looked back at for an explanation. Whilst, Lan wangji who did not seem to be paying any attention to wei ying at the moment.

He was used to hearing wei wuxian sing and murmur things in his sleep anyways.

"With the kids Jingle Belling!" Wei Ying exclaimed in his sleep one more time before lan zhan took the headphones away.

"Why would you do that, he looked so peaceful singing that Christmas song" Lan Xichen spoke slightly disappointed when he saw how wei ying was unusually silent in sleep without the song playing.

"It isn't Christmas" Lan Zhan deadpanned putting the headphones down.

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