"Stop kidding"

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"Did you send me this text?", Lan wangji asked Jin zixuan once again, this time looking at the man with a warning gaze. Jin zixuan shook his head like child and showed him two fingers raising it above his head, reassuring him that it wasn't him.

"Why would I send you this?", Jin zixuan asked in a mocking tone. He grabbed his phone and showed him a history of all outgoing messages.

"Get this number tracked as soon as possible.", Jin zixuan said after he stopped laughing like a Gremlin. With all due seriousness, Jin zixuan wasn't wrong. If somebody knew that Wei Wuxian was alive, then that might get them into a lot of troubles.

"I tried. Not possible", Lan wangji deadpanned as if he hadn't thought of that before. When he tried to track the number and find out who had played this sick joke on him, he had realised that it wasn't possible. The number changed its location frequently making it impossible for Lan Wangji to find out anything. To top that off, this person sent him these alarming messages from different numbers.

"Don't you think that it's about time, people get to know him as Mo xuanyu?" Jin zixuan asked believing that it was high time, lan wangji cant possibly hide wei wuxian his whole life. Lan wangji was good at hiding, one can call him perfectionist if they saw how good he was when it came to keeping his life private to the whole world.

But, in the end, one small mistake he makes will end up with wei wuxian's identity coming out causing a havoc all over the world.

And, that is exactly why the Jin, wanted Lan wangji to hide no more.

"No", Lan Zhan replied back with no emotion in his tone. He was adamant on not letting wei ying's name get out in the world, be it as Mo xuanyu or any wei wuxian.

Lan wangji was willing to spend the rest of his life as an unmarried man in front of the world just to protect Wei Wuxian from his haunting past.

"You will regret it one day.", Jin zixuan said knowing very well that his best friend was making a horrible mistake with his judgement. The other man simply looked at him and nodded showing him the door which led the way out.

"Fine.", He groaned setting the papers in front of Lan wangji which he had to sign.

"Don't expect me to help, when you are in trouble.", He annouced leaving the room like a free bird, with a fake grin on his face.


Lan xichen and Jiang cheng had left with lan qiren over an hour ago, after receiving a call about a forgotten meeting.

"Where's my inhaler", Wei Ying whispered looking under the rug. Shutting his eyes tightly wei ying slammed his body against the sole couch near the rug when he felt the lightheadedness completely fog his mind.

"It's gone.", Wei Ying almost cried out when he felt his chest tighten. Wiping the scarlet streaks of blood coming from his nose wei ying looked at the staircase. He remembered about the several inhalers that Lan Zhan had kept for him incase of an emergency.

Letting out an alarming number of coughs wei ying slowly walked upstairs, clutching his hands onto his chest wei ying tried to control his ragged breathing and opened the door which led to the first room which happened to be the nearest.

'Where is it!?', Wei Ying cried out feeling his whole body seize itself.

Lan wangji had atleast twenty of his inhalers all over the house, how come wei ying couldn't find any one of them at the moment!?

' I have kept one right under the drawer, incase you can't find any.' Lan Zhan said bending down on the carpeted floor to show him a sole inhaler kept at the bottom part of the drawer. Unlike the blind spot inside the room, this place was completely under surveillance. Knowing exactly how panicked wei ying is when he gets breathless, Lan wangji made sure to keep more then he had told wei ying.

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