"I would rise back from the dead to have one last dance with you."

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Lan Zhan shook his beloved's body furiously and tried to revive him of his long slumber. The younger's hands were unwelcoming and icy. They shook along with him as he cried out for him to wake up.

"He's dead wangji! Let him go.", Lan qiren's voice boomed from behind. His family's eyed held no emotions, they held just hatred for him. Resent for the decisions he took.

Wei ying's body had long gone still and cold. He had stopped breathing more then an hour ago but, lan wangji was reluctant to let go.

"If you hadn't pulled a stunt like that, he may have been alive.", Jiang wanyin wiped his own tears and pulled him away from wei ying.

"You don't deserve to mourn his death."

Lan Zhan's eyes shot open,the the white noise continuously screaming into his ears and taunting his decisions made his hands turn clammy. He looked down at his drenched body and wiped his sweat with his calloused palms.

Confusion ran through his mind, when he didn't understand why he was on a bed with IVs connected to his veins. Even though he was still stuck in the lieu of the moment, he realised how much the IVs on his hands hurt-- he suddenly felt bad for wei ying who had to frequently go through the pain of being struck with needles and made to live with IVs for days-- that was when the realisation hit him hard, where the hell was wei ying, and why the hell was he on a hospital bed when he was supposed to take wei ying back home.

"Calm the fuck down.", A gruff voice restricted him from moving any further. He had heard of the voice before, it belonged to someone whom he did not like as much but, got used to it because of his fiance.

"Both of you were almost dead. If only I didn't check on you love birds, I would have been attending two funerals. Geez~", The voice grumbled once again gaining Lan wangji's attention towards a very bored Jiang wanyin on the the couch by the bed.

"What happened?", He asked in a tone laced with concern. Jiāng Chéng looked at him with fake surprise before he put his neutral face for Lan Wangji on.

"Your crazy fan-girls went nuts when they heard about Mo xuanyu. One of them added arsenic to the food you brought for him. Idiots didn't realise that you taste the food before you give it to my brother."

Now, Lan wangji knew that he had a bunch of crazy fans for no apparent reason. He also knew that those people in the past had pulled quite a lot of stunts. For example, sneaking inside the building he worked, sending him crazy gifts-- he'd rather spend his good time with wei ying-- and even stalk him and wei ying wherever they went.

But, this was way out of the world. Whoever, had pulled this kind of a stunt, most probably wanted wei ying dead. This was out of the line which made Lan wangji feel furious.

"The idiot announced her so called good deed on weibo and got caught. The cops are investigating her. She'll be jailed in no time.", Jiang cheng spoke in a very comforting tone for some reason, he'd mostly predicted the wave of questions lan zhan had for him.

Lan Zhan immediately stepped out of his bed and ripped his IVs off, Jiang cheng looked at him with a very bored look and sighed-- he wasn't paid enough for this!-- showing him a scary glare wasn't enough to stop him, It only worked on wei ying.

"Sit your ass down. They aren't going to let you inside wei ying's room. He was shifted to intensive care unit on the next floor.", Jiang cheng boredly said going through his mobile phone. Lan wangji panicked as soon as he heard of the intensive care unit.

He had to get there as soon as he could. Wei Ying could be really ill! Looking at his brother in-law with a panic laced expression did nothing. Jiang cheng seemed like he had given up on the aspects of life.

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