"you think you can escape?"

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He struggled. A tad too much for his own good. He did not know how long he had been stuck in the shiny room with those shiny reflecting surfaces everywhere.

His tiny hands had bandages wrapped around them all over. It was perfectly wrapped and bound to the chair. His clothes were changed into neater ones, they looked expensive. Too expensive for the four year to even know.

No. No. No! He wasn't four. This wasn't how he looked when he was four years old.

"Xianxian why do you even try to run.", A hiss left wei ying's pale lips when he felt his long hair getting pulled by the woman's long hands. A cry of terror left his lips when he felt her nails digging into his skin.

"Do you not realise that I will always be watching you? You even ran when I gave you some space huh?", Wei Ying looked at his long hands which were tied up with cable ties. They were slowly turning blue the tightness around them. His legs were tied up too but, she was considerate enough to make sure that it didn't leave a mark.

"Show me your face.", Wei Ying let out an anger fuelled shout. He wanted to see who she was so bad. He was desperate to see who she was.

She killed his parents in front of his eyes and took him away for herself.

"What do you mean show me your face? Can't you already see my face.", She asked holding his jaws with a firm hold.

"Xianxian this room is filled with mirrors. You must be blind if you can't see me."

She whispered merrily and laughed into his ears.

Beads of sweat rolled down wei ying's forehand when she told him about the mirrors. Yes, there were mirrors everywhere. But, she did not have a face. She did not have anything in the name of a head.

It was completely blank.

All he knew was that the woman liked to wear high heels and expensive clothes.

"Y-you... Who are you?", Wei Ying asked receiving a slap to his face in return. She dug her nails into his jaws and drew blood from his sensitive skin.

"You don't even recognise your own mother? Have some shame.", She said. Wei Ying almost let out a sob in return of the heated beating he received in return.

"Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan.", He continuously said looking for his love. Lan Zhan must be looking for him by now. He was sure that he will come rescue him from her.

"Its always that Lan wangji! Do you think he believes in you!?"

"Your Lan wangji never loved you in the first place. You are worth billions xianxian, if he gets to you, he will eventually claim all your properties and kick you out in the streets."

Wei Ying started to shake his head in horror. He did not want to hear anymore of this. Lan Zhan loves him, he always did. He can't possibly be after him because of something as trivial as money.

" No. No. Lan Zhan loves me. He believes in me."

Wei Ying knows that Lan Zhan will believe him if he told her about the woman who held him captive.

The last thing he heard before he woke up was her blank face which held nothing.

" No", Wei Ying woke up with sweat drenching him from his head to toe.

Staring above him at the blank ceiling wei ying felt the bed dip beside him. He heard small bunny like squeals around him and realise that his face was partially wet because of his  rabbits licking his face.

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