"Come on, smile for mama."

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TW: Mentions of past abuse and panic attacks.

The never ending throng of decorations, it looked simple yet so, lavish. That was exactly how the Lan's celebrated everything. Wei Ying knew that he had entered the lion's den when he saw a hundred different pair of eyes gawking at him keenly or with  a lot of curiosity.

"Isn't he the one? The one who is sick?", People after a few minutes Started recognising who he was and started murmuring among themselves about him.

"It has to be him. Just look how pale he is.", Wei Ying shook his head and Started to look for a way out do that he could get back home even by just catching a taxi. He walked through the crowd of guests who tried to approach him for some reason he did not understand.

"Hey, he looks pretty. They really have bagged some gold this time, the oldest with the Jiang's and the youngest with the Jin's now. They seem quite unbreakable now."

Wei Ying didn't understand a word they talked about him. Why in the hell would he want to be the main reason for these people to earn some profits. After all these years of not being seen or heard by anybody who did not concern him in any ways, wei ying felt overwhelmed at this point of his life where everybody in this room talked about him.

He felt the people looking at him and whispering among themselves about him. Some sounded too vile, some sounded too weird. Either ways it brought tears to wei ying's eyes. His skin crawled when anybody mentioned him.

"I assume that this is mo xuanyu?"

"Oh, yeah. It's him, he's the boy who wears gloves on his hands. Isn't he pretty?"

Wei Ying heard the two young ladies laugh in agreement as they passed by him. Wei Ying ripped the hair tie off his hair ruffled his hair when he felt a throbbing headache kick in as soon as the whispers and the intensity of the soft jazz music get louder. 

' Get out! Get out! Get out!', His mind screamed at him to get the hell out of the place which was no lesser than hell to him. He knew that going outside meant facing the flashes once again, he also knew that staying inside was going to put him in a lot of troubles.

Wei Ying almost fell head first to the floor if only there wasn't someone to hold him back protectively.

' Lan Zhan?', He could very well comprehend his fiance's calloused hands holding onto him. He realised that it was him when he was turned around like he weighed nothing. A gasp left his cherry red lips when he realised that it was none other than Lan Zhan who now, held onto his hands.

"I-i am sorry. I should leave.", He stuttered nervously and ripped his hands away from him to walk away without causing a scene. It came to him as a surprise when Lan Zhan didn't stop him, it was Lan xichen who stopped him from walking outside.

It was confirmed, he was dead meat.

"What's happening?", Wei Ying asked looking at Lan xichen who had a sweet fake smile on his face as they walked somewhere far from the exit of the hall.

"Everything will be explained later.", He tried reassuring and held onto wei ying's hands with exact same firmness his jiejie did just a while ago. He did not understand why things were going like this, everywhere he looked the people who knew him looked at him with pity and the ones who didnt looked at him with curiosity and certain amount of concern.

"Wangji, apologises.", Lan xichen tried to calm him down by letting him know that it wasn't his mistake. Wei Wuxian wasn't at fault anywhere, he was kept in the dark for a little too long which led him to this situation.

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