"she was there the entire time."

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Wei Ying knew that it was supposed to be a very normal Lunch with his aunt. As usual, they went to the restaurant and ordered lunch. The man who owned the restaurant was very familiar with Madam Yu, which made their lunch go even faster.

The lunch was unceremonious as usual, Wei Ying talked and his aunt hummed along with him every now and then, she made some calls at times and cancelled her meetings. Wei Ying had simply thought that they were going for a movie or something.

But, Yu Ziyuan just drove back home after the lunch. No. Wei Ying wasn't disappointed, he was sure that his aunt had her reasons to cancel meetings.

Things were going just fine around him, until they weren't. What's trouble if it didn't follow wei wuxian like a cat's tail following its master's trail.

Wei Ying shouldn't have done it. He should have never taken the coffee he was offered the second he got back home from the butler. Not only was the coffee strong, it made him gag at the pungent smell it had. A strong coffee shouldn't most definitely reek of his medicines.

But, when the man who had been looking after him his entire childhood offered him a cup of coffee for the first time in the sixteen years of service he had done for the Jiang's, Wei Ying couldn't help but grow fascinated over the taste of it.

"Madam Yu has instructed you to get some rest young master."

The Butlers said with his usual smile. Wei Ying shuffled back to his feet, he did feel quite tired after the dinner today. It was the best if he just got some sleep. He had plans to make up with Lan Zhan in the evening and most probably move back in with him.

He did not want to annoy his aunt and uncle anymore. If Lan Zhan did not want to take him in any more, he was just going to stay in a hotel and find himself a new apartment.

He had already informed aunty yu about his plans. She hadn't agreed to it almost immediately it took him a long time before she agreed reluctantly.

Right now it felt like things weren't so fine. The stairs seemed too long for him to walk and the floor was too cold for his naked feet. Everything was discoloured, wei ying fell right back to the couch when his legs gave up on him.

"Master!", The old butler came running up to him as soon as he saw the man falling down on the couch.

Wei Ying chuckled lightly easily fending the man off of his worries.

"It's nothing. Probably the usual pain."

Wei Ying slurred out lazily and walked towards his aunt's work room without knowing that he was going to the wrong room.

Nobody was allowed to go inside Madam Yu's room, it was locked twenty four seven or it was locked from inside when she was working in there. Well, either ways nobody we allowed to in there.

Wei Ying had surprisingly walked throughout the hallway and peek inside the room where his aunt was supposedly working, his hazy mind had just thought that it was his room and he had walked inside like he owned it.

"Wei Ying!"

The scream stopped him from looking futher, but his eyes had already gotten a view of what was going inside the room. Too much, it was too much for wei ying's eyes to take. It was like he was once again back to his childhood.

"S-sorry. My bad."

He immediately pretended like he hadn't seen a thing inside the room and ran as fast he could through the hallways, he found the first room which opened up to his weak strength and locked himself inside.


Wei Ying hissed loudly and looked for his phone which was somewhere inside his pocket and he had remembered once again that it was with his aunt. She had taken it away from him.

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