"To the world wei wuxian, is dead"

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Where it all started: part one

Lan Wangji to this day of his twenty four years of existence, remembers the day he met wei ying for the first time. The little baby was cradled in his aunt's arms with layers of fine clothes covering his tiny body.

Lan wangji's parents happened to be best friend's with wei ying's parents, hence he was there with his parents to even witness his future husband's first cries, little sneezes and even his first giggle. 

"Little Wangji there seems to really like wei ying" Cangse sanren whispered from the bed looking at the one year old who seemed to be infatuated with the little one. Wei Wuxian was tiny, he was very tiny for a newborn. Lan wangji could not believe how a newborn could be so chubby and still so tiny.

"Would he like to touch, xianxian?"

Lan wangji immediately nodded and dashed forward with his little legs not bothered by the fact that he had pushed his older brother and uncle away in the process of his little jog towards the hospital bed.

Qingheng jun hoisted his son up in the air and put him down on the bed gently so that the little one remained asleep.

"Waah~" lan Zhan exclaimed looking at the little bundle through which the little one's head slightly popped up, still dead asleep from the loud noise he had made. He gently touched the little ones tiny, red nose and giggled in awe, surprising his parents who didn't know that their son could giggle.

"Is he pretty?" Madam lan asked her son whom she had never seen so shocked. Lan Zhan nodded and went forward to touch his soft brown locks.

"I like wei ying too" lan xichen said coming forward to touch the little baby, just to get his hands swatted away by his younger brother, who had a triggered look on his face.

"No" lan zhan whispered under his breath curling around the baby protectively who had him wrapped around his tiny fingers.

Lan wangji after that fateful day never forgot about about his little wei ying. The next time he had met wei ying, was when it was his christening ceremony. A celebration which was taken rather seriously by his parents, which was attended by several friends and families of the wei's who were considered rather influential.

Even though his parent's didn't know about this at all, that day little lan wangji sneaked inside a new born wei ying's room and pressed four little kisses on his tiny forehead before he bolted away from the sugar rush he had.

Days after days, lan wangji got to meet wei ying more and more often, it truly was a blessing that he got to grow with wei ying his whole life.

Until, tragedy happened.

Lan wangji's mother had passed away of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, when he was four years old. She had fought a long battle, until she couldn't. Qingheng jun had been so heartbroken that he had handed over his reins to his only brother and went into seclusion where he could find peace.

Lan wangji's life soon came crumbling down, when he realised that he had no one left in his life except for his brother and his uncle, who were willing to do anything for him.

Qingheng jun had left his children and his reins to his brother. The man devoted his whole life after the two children his brother had left him all while he controlled a company.

He taught his nephews of righteousness and good morals. From what is right to what is wrong, the man even though rather firm with his nephews, could give his life for them.

Never had the two brothers thought that their uncle would accept them for who they are and welcome their loved ones like they were his own.

Whilst, wei wuxian's life had turned disastrous just when he was three years old. The three year old had seen his parents die in front of his eyes.  whilst his eyes remained wide open in shock and horror, which to this day continues to haunt him.

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