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Wei Ying didn't think that this was very good idea. Yup, he definitely regretted it. He very well knew that now that he had come so far, he can't chicken out of this. He had even gotten dressed and worn his shoes. There was no way back now!

"My nephew looks so pretty.", He didn't know that his aunt could coo at all. Wei ying gulped thickly when the ominous feeling sinked in slowly. Oh, he knew he was going to have a bad day today.

Jiāng Yanli who was a clad in a golden gown with shiny frills around her shoulders noticed that her brother seemed quite disturbed for a while now. She gently settled her hands on his shoulders and tapped gently.

"Why do you look so disturbed, A'xian?", Wei Ying snapped out of his daze and smiled sheepishly at his sister. "It's nothing jiejie.", Wei Ying replied back and got off from his cushion chair to dust his attire.

Wei Ying was set to leave along with Jin zixuan and Jiang Yanli dressed up in white and baby blue. He wore a pretty little white coloured bow and a babt blue shirt which resembled the clouds in a sunny day. The long white jacket fit his body just perfectly and so did his dress pants.

"Come on problem child wear a good pair of gloves Today.", Jin zixuan snarked, wei ying looked at his brother in law with one of the scariest looks he could make and threw him out of his room. He preferred silence and a serene surrounding, which was only possible without Jin zixuan around it.

Wei Ying sighed and removed his jacket to wear a new pair of gloves. He planned to cover both his hands today, since a lot of people knew Lan wangji's boyfriend by the one glove he wore in his right hand. Looking at his gloved right hand wei ying moved his fingers up and down slowly. He frowned and looked around his mirror less room to get his phone to see if Lan zhan has apologised yet or not.

Who was he kidding? Lan wangji only apologised if he thought that he had made a mistake, which was practically never. He quickly grabbed his best pair of gloves which was gifted to him by Lan Zhan on their third anniversary. It was milky white in color and had a frills in the end. He felt like he was going to get married when he looked at himself from up to down.

' why can't you just apologise', wei ying thought as he quickly slipped out of the glove he wore on right hand. He looked away from his right hand before he gently slipped the white glove on to his right hand and later on to his left hand.

"How do I look?", Wei Ying only had a rough picture of how he looked, he doesn't look into a mirror to know how he looks so he just asked his brother how he looked.

"Good.", Jiāng wanyin replied back without taking a second or more to think.

"No need to click a picture.", Wei Ying waved his hands off and walked outside to get some fresh air. Over the years whenever wei wuxian had doubts on how he looked, his family had always praised him and took pictures of him to show him how he looked. They had go get used to not being around a mirror for so long that his family even after he left a few years ago did not keep a mirror with them.

He did not like how considerate they were. It felt like pity to him at times.

"Come on problem child, my mom's waiting for you.", Wei Ying scoffed at Jin zixuan and started walking towards the sleek black car which was his ride for thr day. Ofcourse, he had to go with the Jin's, wei wuxian did not exist in this world only mo xuanyu did. The Jiang's were going to show up a few minutes after the Jin's as usual.

"Why do you look do nervous?", Madam Jin asked him politely as shd ruffled his ash colored hair. Wei Ying almost felt the urge to our like a cat but he had a question to answer at the moment.

"I don't think this a good idea.", He gave in to his mind and told them the truth. Jin zixuan who sat in the front seemed the least bothered by it.

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