Chapter 100 Power of a Curse

Start from the beginning

Jackal swings both of his arms and creates a powerful wall of explosions. As the explosions were heading towards Noelle and Finral, multiple buildings were being destroyed in its wake. Soon Finral grabbed Noelle's hand and they jumped through his spatial magic to land next to Mimosa.

"Just what the hell is that guy?!"

"My name is Jackal."

The group turned around as they saw Jackal behind them. Soon he punched Noelle in gut and kicks Finral into Mimosa as they both crash into some trees. Seeing this, Noelle got back up and was ready to charge forward.

"I wouldn't move if I were you. Unless you want to go boom."

As Noelle looked down, she saw herself standing in a symbol on the ground

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As Noelle looked down, she saw herself standing in a symbol on the ground. Meanwhile Jackal was laughing at her. He knew that Noelle triggered his trap. If she moves, an enormous explosion will occur.

"What kind of magic is this? You don't even posses a grimoire!"

"Magic? Hahahahahah!!!! Holy crap your funny! Beings such as I don't need magic with Ancient Curses as powerful as this!!!!!!"

"Curses.....wait a minute. When Vetto injured Asta's arms and they didn't heal, that was an ancient curse. When Asta tried to use his anti-magic sword to dispel it, it had no effect. So this guy is using something like that as a weapon."

Soon Jackal ran forward as he was heading for Mimosa. As he got his claws ready to strike her, he saw a spatial magic portal opening next to him. Soon Finral jumped out the portal as he punched Jackal away.

"Heh. You just doomed yourself mage. My curse is the Bomb Curse and it has many uses. For instance, it turns anything that touches me into a bomb."


"I hope striking me was worth it, you little shit."

After Finral punched Jackal, an insignia appeared on his hand

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After Finral punched Jackal, an insignia appeared on his hand. Shortly afterwards, an explosion occured as Finral screamed in pain. When this happened, he used mana skin to protect his body from being completely damaged.

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