Chapter 26 Visit

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A single man was sitting on a mountain of bodies. As he looked down, he put his foot on one of the bandit's head. When one man looked up at him, he begged him to spare him.

"Hmph. Maybe I will, after all tommorow is a special day. My darling Marie's birthday."

~Next day~"Listen up

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

~Next day~
"Listen up."

Everyone in the Black Bulls hideout was seen on their knees and lined up in front of their captain. As Yami looked at his squad, he only said one thing to them.

"Our wages just came in, so there is no work today."

"Hell yeah!!!!!!!"

Everyone in the Black Bulls cheered at the news. Getting paid and a day off, it was the best day ever. Soon everyone started to do their own thing. Asta was doing push ups, Vanessa was drinking, Gauche was thinking about what to buy for his sister, and Kyoya was walking out the base.

As everyone was splitting up for the day, Noelle started to walk outside. She had a day off but didn't know what to do with it. As she was outside the base, she saw Asta talking to Kyoya.

"Hey Kyoya, I have a favor to ask. Can you take me to Nean please?"

"Sure, I was heading over there anyways to check up on someone. But why do you wanna go?"

"Well....can we talk about it on the way?"

As Kyoya agreed, Noelle was freaking out from around the corner. Nean was the place where Finral took Asta and Luck to a mixer. However as she stepped out the corner, Kyoya was already flying away with Asta.

"I-it's not like I care where that idiot goes!!!!"

~With Kyoya~
"Wait, you're going to see a girl who you met at a mixer?"

"Yeah, promised Rebecca that I would visit her and her siblings."

"Holy shit, you got lucky in one night than Finral ever did in his whole life."

As Kyoya was flying Asta and himself to Nean, they decided to chat along the way since flying in silence is kind of awkward. Soon Asta decided to ask the ice mage something.

"So why are you heading over to Nean?"

"I'm going to check on someone I saved during the attack on the capital. She stays at a church in Nean so I was going to head over there even if you didn't ask me."

Asta smiled as he saw Kyoya was being a little more open. Soon they landed in the center of Nean. As this happened, Kyoya and Asta looked at each other. Seeing as they were heading in different directions, they fist bump each other as they walk away.

As Kyoya was walking, he saw the church that he took Wendy to. When he knocked on the door, he saw an elderly nun. As she looked at him, she asked him one question.

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