Chapter 56 Goodbye

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As Benimaru was carrying Wendy and searching for Kyoya, he suddenly felt an enormous surge of magic power.  As Wendy looked ahead, she heard some people speaking to each other as the air was getting colder and colder. Meanwhile, Benimaru was shocked by how much magic power was in one place.

"Incredible, to posses this much mana. Whoever is fighting must be powerful."

Wendy nods her head in agreement. As Benimaru was running closer to the spot, Wendy felt a weird sensation in her chest again. She knew this feeling all too well. After hearing that Kyoya was here, this sensation confirmed it. Soon she got out of Benimaru's grasp as she hurried to the scene.

"I have to hurry! I need to make it!!! No matter what happens, no matter the result.......I HAVE TO MAKE IT TO HIM!!!!!"

~With Kyoya~
As Kyoya was gathering as much mana as possible, the air in the area began to get colder. Not only that, it started to look as if his own body was beginning to look like ice. Seeing this, Byakuran laughed.

"Fine then, if this is how you want this battle to end then so be it. I knew I was right about you. The only one allowed to see Echidna again is me!!!!! Farewell, Kyoya Fullbuster!!!!!!! White Dragon!!!!"

Soon Byakuran launched the dragon towards Kyoya. As this happened, Kyoya smiled to himself. If he gets hit by that attack he'll die. If he survives, the woman who cursed him will kill him. No matter what, he was going to die.

"What have I got to lose? I was doomed the moment I met that vile woman. But if i'm going to die, then i'll die by my own hands!!!! Iced Shel-"

The white dragon sunk its fangs into the flesh of a human. Blood begins to stain the frozen ground. The lower body of a human was seen on the ground and separated from it's upper half. Soon the scream of the person who witnessed this echoed through the village as he called out the victim's name.


Kyoya couldn't believe what he just saw. Wendy's lower body was ripped apart from her upper body. As her blood was slowly dripping onto the ground, her entrails were exposed to the world as she slowly looked at Kyoya.

"Thank goodness.......I made it in time."

"Wendy, why did you do that?! You shouldn't have come here dammit!!!! Why would you risk your life for trash like me?!"

Kyoya couldn't understand why Wendy would do such a thing. To see a person losing their life for his sake, he hates how history is repeating itself. As Wendy looked at Kyoya, Byakuran smiled as he thought to himself.

"She really arrived here as I plan. All that's left is to rip out the magic stone in her body that's acting as her life support."

While Byakuran was seen smiling from the situation, Kyoya just held Wendy close to him. As the girl puts a hand on Kyoya's face, she smiled as she began to spoke up.

"Kyoya....I never really had that much time to begin with. I was still going to die even if I didn't try to save you. But even if I was in perfect health , i'd still try to save you."

Wendy soon wrapped Kyoya in a hug. As she smiled while embracing Kyoya, the ice mage felt tears running down his face. Seeing this, Wendy finally decided to tell Kyoya what was on her mind.

"When you first saved me, I always thought you were strong. Even now, you're very strong. But when we spent time together, I began to see two things. I began to see you as a brother I never had and I saw that you were too strong."

As Wendy held onto Kyoya, the boy was confused. Why would Wendy go so far for someone like him? Why would she want to save him? While Kyoya was thinking to himself, Wendy began to collect mana in her hands as she embraced Kyoya.

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