Chapter 18 Asta and Kyoya

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Everyone was in awe as they looked around the treasure room. As they did, Kyoya felt a bit on edge as he was thinking to himself. Could he really keep this? Could he really protect anything if he keeps restraining himself?

As Kyoya stood in silence, Yuno walked around the room as if something was calling to him. When he turned around, he found a scroll amongst the treasures. When he opened it up, he saw writing inside that he's never seen before. As this happened, both his grimoire and the scroll started to glow. Soon the scroll became blank when the glowing stopped.

"Owwww!!! Quit it Nero, you're pecking me to death here."

Asta screamed as Nero kept pecking his head as it tried to lead him somewhere. Soon Asta was just standing in front of a wall. As soon as he questioned Nero again, the bird simply pecked him over and over again. Seeing this, Kyoya simply walked over to him.

"Damn, can you get any louder?"

"It's not my fault! Nero keeps pecking me!!!!"

Kyoya chuckled as he saw the bird pecking Asta. To be honest, Asta reminded him of an old friend he had. While this was happening, Klaus took a look at Mars' grimoire.

"His's all stitched together. Yuno got the Four Leaf Clover and that loud boy got something do dirty that it's barely recognizable."

Soon Klaus' eyes landed on Kyoya. He never saw the boy's grimoire, yet he felt like it wasn't like the others either. However, he didn't have time to think about it as Mars' grimoire suddenly flew out of his hands. As everyone turned around, they saw the diamond mage was back up again.

 As everyone turned around, they saw the diamond mage was back up again

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Soon Mars used his magic to send crystals to Luck, Yuno, and Klaus. As all three mages were being restrained, Klaus was thinking on how Mars recovered so quickly. As he looked at the mage, he saw that his body was coated in flames.

"Is that...Flame Recovery magic?!"

As the group was still in shock by Mars' sudden recovery, Noelle was prepared to use her water magic to put out Mars' flames in hopes of weakening him. However, as Mars turns toward Noelle and Mimosa's location he quickly hits Noelle with a barrage of crystals. As Noelle lands on the ground, everyone saw her bleeding heavily as she was having trouble breathing. Seeing this, Asta and Kyoya's concern were heightened.


"You basta-"

"What can you possibly do, Kyo-chan?"

Kyoya stopped himself from attacking as he heard this voice. His face was slowly turning pale as he heard it again. As he turned around, he saw the illusion of that woman again. While this was happening, Asta was wondering why Kyoya turned around when there was no one there.

"You should run while you still can. Its not like anyone here sees you as an ally. After all, no one is going to save you. Just like no one came to save your friend or your teacher."

The Spade Amongst CloversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora