Chapter 154 Victory

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"So they managed to do it. Lucifero, the king of Devils, is no more."

As she sipped her tea inside of the Sanctuary, Echidna simply smiled to herself with the result of the war against the Spade Kingdom and the Dark Triad. While she knew how things would play out, it was still an interesting development to watch. Soon her smile slowly faded away as her thoughts were now on a certain ice mage.

"The right eye, his right arm, and both of his legs have lost their ability to function. With him being Zeref's descendant and being exposed to a dangerous amount of his magic, it seems the cost Kyoya had to pay to use his spells was a light one. However......this isn't where your story ends, Kyoya Fullbuster. Reach me, and I'll reveal the truth."

After the death of Lucifero and the rescue of both Vangeance and Yami, all the members of the Clover Kingdom were seen resting in Spade Castle as the people of Spade Kingdom were starting to rebuild. While this happened, Yami was seen getting ready to smoke a cigarette by himself until he heard someone speak to him.

"So you're the captain that Kyoya always talked about."

"Who the hell are you? And where'd you get the food?"

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"Who the hell are you? And where'd you get the food?"

"Name's Shinmon Benimaru, I was the guy who trained that ice mage of yours to prepare for this damn war."

As Benimaru said this, he saw Yami sit down next to him as he held his cigarette. Seeing this, Benimaru snapped his fingers as he lit the cigarette for Yami. Just as Yami started smoking, Benimaru looked at the magic knight captain.

"So did you go to see him? After all, him and the rest of your squad did all this for you as well."

"Not yet. In all honesty, it's my fault he's in this state, isn't it. Because I was too weak, Ice Stripper is no-"

"Geez, you're his captain. So you of all people should know how Kyoya is. He doesn't blame you for a second for what happened to his body. Though it's strange, despite how many mages we have with healing magic here, they can't seem to fix him. Not even that witch girl's cat could do anything for him."

As Benimaru said this, Yami looked at his right hand. Luckily, the girl from the golden dawn manage to patch him up. However, he was shocked when Kyoya's condition didn't change, even with Gray and Vanessa both trying to repair the damage. A sigh escaped from Yami's lips as he stood up and began to walk away.

"Welp, guess I'll go check up on him."

~With Kyoya~
As the boy was lying in his bed, he slowly began to open his eyes. While this left eye was completely normal, his right eye looked as if all the light in it was gone. Not only that, Kyoya couldn't feel the blanket that was on his legs nor could he feel the arm that he slept on.

"So this was the cost he mentioned.....I can't use my right eye, arm, or neither of my legs. I can't feel a damn thing from them no matter how much I want to move."

As Kyoya was in his bed, he was thinking to himself. He finally killed Megicula, Vanica and the rest of the Dark Triad were arrested, and his home can finally go back to normal.


This was his goal, a goal that he wrote off as nothing but just a foolish dream. But now that he actually achieved his goal, Kyoya couldn't help but wonder. What's in store for him next? He never would've imagined that he would actually kill Megicula and actually save the Spade Kingdom, but now that it happened, what else was there for him left to do. As Kyoya was about to head back to sleep, he heard a knocking on the door.

"Oh, come i-"

"Sup, Ice Stripper."

As Kyoya heard the voice, he suddenly saw the door to his room crash into the wall. Sweat began to drop from Kyoya's head as he turned in the direction where this happened. The moment he did, he saw Yami standing at the door way.

"Captain Yami, how are your injuries?"

"Seriously? You taking pity on me, you damn brat. You're in far worse condition than I am."

"Heh, yeah. I can't see out of my right eye clearly. My right arm and both of my legs are out of commission too."

As Kyoya chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood, Yami could only stare at the boy. That last spell he used during that battle against Lucifero was definitely not a normal one. Especially since Yami knew Kyoya's talent lied with ice magic. However, that wasn't what he came here for. As Yami sat down next to Kyoya's bed, he slightly bowed his head.

"Thanks, Kyoya. You and the rest of the Black Bulls picked up a lot of slack due to my absence and even surpassed your limits. Good job."

"Captain Yami....."

"That being said, sorry. It was due to me being captured that you ended up in this state. It doesn't even look like they can he-"

"Who the hell are you?"

Yami blinked in surprise when he heard Kyoya. As the man looked at his recruit, he saw Kyoya staring down at him as if he was looking at a bug.

"The Captain Yami, I know wouldn't be feeling sorry himself and looking this pathetic. You're the leader of the Black Bulls. You're the one who taught us this pride we have, now where is yours? Have you finally reached your limit, Yami Sukehiro. I'm not stopping, no matter what, I WILL recover from this and I WILL continue to be a magic knight. Now give me an order. Tell me what I have to do. Who I have do I have to fight! Tell me what I gotta do to surpass my limit!!!!"

"Heh. Hehehehehe. Hahahahahahah!!! You're one crazy brat, you know that, Ice Stripper. Though you're right, moping around isn't gonna do a damn thing. Your order is to recover from this by any means necessary and surpassing your limit until you reached your goal, you hear me!!!"

"Of course I do!I've been thinking about what to do after I got my revenge. After hearing Yuno and Asta's dream, and after having you as a captain and everything that has happened......I know what I want to do. Plus someone has to be able to keep Yuno and Asta in check in the future. From this moment forward, I'll surpass you and become Captain of the Black Bulls the moment Asta or Yuno become Wizard King!"

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