Chapter 46 Cursed

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"Wow, is this your little sister? Nice to meet you, i'm Byakuran."

As Byakuran introduced himself, Kyoya and Wendy stared at him. They both felt a weird sensation, yet he's acting completely normal. Soon Byakuran started to laugh nervously.

" are you gonna introduce yourselves. I only met you after bumping into each other by accident."

"Right, I didn't give my name back then. I'm Kyoya Fullbuster."

"I'm Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet you."

Byakuran nods his head as he listened to them. As he looked around, he saw a bakery nearby. Soon he looked towards Wendy and Kyoya.

"Well then, since we're all acquainted, want to stop by that bakery over there. I hear they have amazing sweets. It'll be my treat."


Soon Byakuran nervously chuckled as he saw both Wendy and Kyoya look at him with stars in their eyes. As they all entered the bakery, Kyoya and Wendy immediately got some strawberry cake.

"I swear, it's hard to believe that you two aren't siblings."

"So Byakuran, why did you bring us here?"

Kyoya looked at Byakuran as he ate his cake. While most people would think he was joking, the look in his eyes told Byakuran that he was wary of him. He smiled as he spoke up to Wendy and Kyoya.

"So then, what are you two up to anyways?"

"I was just at the church since I wasn't feeling well. Kyoya was just checking up on me."

Kyoya nods his head as he agreed with Wendy. However, one thing didn't change. The weird sensation he felt in his chest never left. In fact, Wendy felt the same way as well. It was happening when they met each other already, but with Byakuran here, that feeling was magnified.

"Wendy, Kyoya. There is something i'd like to ask you. Would you do anything just to see any family you had left?"

Soon Wendy and Kyoya stopped eating their cake. They both thought about what Byakuran said. They both didn't have anyone to call family that were still alive. Soon Kyoya spoke up to Byakuran.

"I don't have anyone I can call family, but if I did...I would like to see them. At least just once."

"I agree with Kyoya. I never met anyone from my family, so i'm in the same position as him"

Byakuran soon smiled as he heard their answer. As he stood up, he placed money on the table as he was leaving.

"Thanks for the answers. I have to was kind of fun speaking with you both. Well i'll see you later."

Byakuran walks out of the bakery as he had a smile on his face. As he walked outside of Nean, he saw a portal opening up in front of him. Soon Valtos appeared from the portal.

"Valtos, when is Fana going to go retrieve the other magic stone that was located?"

"It should be within a couple of days. Why do you ask?"

"There's a girl with blue hair who stays at the church inside of Nean. When Fana leaves, I want you to bring the girl to Sun Village. Tell Sally to also be ready as she will accompany me to Sun Village in a few days."

Byakuran smiled to himself. The Sanctuary was close by Sun Village. Not only that, one of the magic stones was in the body of someone that made contact with Witch of Greed. He could tell something interesting is about to happen.

"Now then, let's see which one of us deserves to reach Echidna first."

Kyoya was walking Wendy back to the church. On the way there, they just had an idle chat with each other. However, one thing was on Kyoya's mind.

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