Issue 17 - Legacy of the Rescue Alliance

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Wilbur was in his dorm room, laying on his bed as he was still sore from his bruises. He was still having a rough time dealing with the emotional baggage that was five days later. Blue Dasher died at Wilbur's hands.

He killed him.

But Wilbur couldn't decide what he did was good or bad. It didn't help that this was all over the news. Red Dragonfly killing him was taking out of context. He hadn't went out to patrol for a while. One reason was because his original suit was badly damaged by the fight. The other reason was because Wilbur was truly scared that if he went out to fight crime after this, he could kill more people by accident. He couldn't trust himself or his powers.

Outside of Wilbur's room, Frankie would knock on the door softly. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "You should talk to him..." A voice said, she turned to see it was Ethan. "He needs it..." Ethan blinked and he walked outside to the quad, leaving the redhead girl by herself in the hallway. She knew he was right.

Back in the dorm room, Wilbur winced as he lifted himself up slowly. "W-who is it?" Wilbur asked with a soft voice.

"It's me." Frankie spoke from the other side of the door. "Can I come in?"

Wilbur didn't want to be bothered by anyone at the moment but he shrugged it off. "Sure, come in."

Frankie walked into the room as she looked to see all the bruises he had on his face and body. This broke her heart seeing how broken he looked. "Is their anything you need?" Wilbur asked with a shaky cracking voice.

"I came to see if you're okay." Frankie said, sitting next to him. Wilbur would look at her. "I'm fine, I just...going through a lot right now."

"You really had me worried that day..." Frankie said as she wrapped her arms around him for a hug. "You could've been killed."

Wilbur sighed softly. "I've been a pretty shitty boyfriend lately."

"Don't beat yourself up. You have your hands full with so much stuff right now." Frankie added, nuzzling into his chest.

Wilbur kept Frankie close on his lap as he just couldn't get that moment of him ripping Keith's spine out of his body out of his head. "I can't over what I did. I took somebody's didn't know what I was doing."

"I'm sure what you did was completely necessary." Frankie reassured him.

Wilbur began to stare off into space. He could still hear the last words Keith said to him: "Attaboy. You'" The very words he uttered made Wilbur's skin crawl.


Russell would help clean the wreckage of the living room, sweeping the glass, wood and drywall to the middle of the floor. It was gonna be a while before Rosemary could reach a property improvement loan.

Rosemary would sit silently in the kitchen, drinking her coffee as Russell would stop sweeping and check on her. He stepped by the doorway and saw her taking a long puff of a cigarette she had in her hand.

"Hey umm...I got the living room all cleaned up." Russell said.

Rosemary didn't reply. She just nodded her head as she gazed at the window she was sitting by. She had been quiet for a few hours now, getting into her smoking habits more than ever to make her stress go away.

"I can't say the same thing for the umm...hole in the front of the house." Russell chuckled softly as he was just trying to lighten the mood.

The Adventures Of Red Dragonfly [Volume One]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora