Issue 4 - Beware The Black Mist

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The dead bodies of criminals littered the ground as the masked vigilante left one of the henchman alive, dangling on a chain.

The henchman had his pig mask slung off his head, getting a terrifying scowl from the man who singlehandedly slaughtered the crime syndicate. "Who do you work for?! Answer me, scumbag!"

The henchman stumbled over his words. "Okay, okay! I work for The Bad Luck Gang!"

"Where is The Bad Luck Gang?!"

"I-I don't know!" The henchman stuttered as he clung on to his chest, having a heart attack out of shock. Black Mist slung the thug over, letting him dangle in the chain as the vigilante's cape blew in the nightly wind. He'd been at this for months. He kept taking down criminals by his own personal ways.

He wasn't like other heroes where they protected the city out of spite. He was doing this out of vengeance. He envied what most superheroes could do with their powers. All he had was guns, ninja stars and mist bombs. But as much as he hates to admit it, he had to team up with one of them to get his daughter Gloria back.

And he knew just one hero.

Later that evening, Black Mist tracked down Red Dragonfly's whereabouts back to a boarding school called Phoenix Academy for Science and Technology.

He peaked through the dorm window using his night vision goggles. He saw Wilbur and Ethan talking inside and threw a mist bomb inside, emerging from the mist as he narrowed his eyes to Wilbur. He wanted to seem cool, in that edgy sort of way. But his cape was caught in the window.

"Are you Red Dragonfly?" He would ask, taking context into the red supersuit he was wearing.

"Y-yeah, who's asking?" Wilbur asked, standing scared as he looked up at him.

He pulled down his hood and showed his mask covered face. "The name's Black Mist....and I need you to come with me."

Wilbur was star-studded by the vigilante. Everything about this guy just screamed heavy metal. His black cowl shadowing his eyes, his leather suit with his utility belt of weapons, his awesome cape that drapped their dorm room floor.

"Black Mist?!" Wilbur said as he bounced up and down in excitement. "Holy shit, you need my help?! Oh God, I'm fanboying so much so right now!"

Black Mist rolled his eyes out of annoyance. This was gonna be harder than he thought. Wilbur managed to calm down and look at him. "Oh, man, I'm sorry. I just watched the Black Mist trilogy a couple of weeks ago."

"I didn't care for when they recasted you with Ben Affleck." Ethan added.

"Just get to the point." Black Mist said, trying to keep his patience.

"Right, right, right. What are you doing here?" Wilbur asked curiously.

"My daughter Gloria has been kidnapped by The Bad Luck Gang. They're gonna try to sell her to some traffickers if I don't save her."

"Don't worry, I'll help you find her. Just need to contact someone first." Wilbur reassured as he slid back on his mask, pressing his antenna com to contact Russell.

Meanwhile, Russell and Rosemary were in the middle of watching an old 50s romance movie. "Oh my God. He's such a gentleman. What the hell happened to men?"

"I don't know...we're a different breed to deal with." Russell quipped with a smirk.

"It looked so simpler back then. Unless you were getting beat by a drunk." Rosemary said, rolling her eyes as she nuzzled into Russell.

The Adventures Of Red Dragonfly [Volume One]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora