Issue 16 - Secrets & Lies (Part 2)

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The wreckage of the old Richter Factory was beyond compare. The atomic energy of Keith's bomb device reduced the old facility to ashes.

As soon as the press was nowhere to be found, the United Heroes Bureau made their way to the location and dug up Blue Dasher's charred corpse. The agents laid his body on a stretcher and one of them noticed that a small patch of flesh was still on his arm, growing slowly as he slid him in the back of their truck.

"All clear, ma'am."
"Perfect. Bring him in."

The agents drove back to the facility and drug the dead corpse to Angela as she then made her top scientists get to work on it. Including Dr. Linus Gabriel.

Months would pass by as Keith's body would slowly recover. Over time, his body had begun to change. Gaining his flesh and skin back, Keith's body was more buff and muscular than it originally was.


Keith opened his eyes to a bright light above him. He squinted softly as he put his hand up above his face. Gasps were heard from the doctors performing surgery on him and he immediately rose up, looking down to see that his chest had been cut open with a scalpel.

But somehow, it didn't even hurt him. It didn't even phase him.

Keith quickly grabbed the nearest doctor by the collar and tried to get answers. "Where am I?! What happened to me?! Answer me!"

The operating staff would call for immediate assistance as armed guards would run into the room to apprehend him. "Sir, calm down and get back on the table!"

Keith winged in pain as all the noise and commotion was causing his internal antennas to ache.

He then lashed out and ripped a nurse's throat out with the claws on his fingertips. The guards then opened fire as Keith charged towards them, disarming them and beating one of them to death with their own guns.

The other guard would be petrified, wasting his bullets as he tried to shoot Keith's exposed heart.

Keith would roll his eyes at this and grab the guard by his neck, holding him towards the wall with his super strength. "Ahem, sorry for my rough attitude. I was just blown to pieces by a fat balding white guy and his black teenage ward. Somehow, I managed to miraculously survive such circumstances. So...if you can tell me where I am and who brought me here, that'll be great."

The guards stuttered over his words, barely forming a sentence before finally uttering: "You're in...UHB Headquarters. Angela W-Walsh t-told us to b-bring you here..."

Keith's grip got tighter. "Angela? Of course it's Angela. Where is she?"

The guard coughed softly, holding his wrist in pain in his eyes. "I-In her office, probably."

Keith then snapped his guard's neck and tossed his lifeless body on the ground. "Thanks for the advice."

He calmly walked through the eerie hallways as a nervous guard stood a few feet away from him with his gun shaking in his hands. Keith smiled softly, reaching up to grab a fluorescent light tube from up above. The guard opened fire but the bullets did no effect to Keith's body. It didn't even make him stumble. Keith shattered the light tube and drove it into the guards neck, twisting it in deeply before shoving him aside.

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