Issue 3 - Forecast

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Spencer Jordan just got done reporting the weather on the news. This was his most favorite part of his job. Making people of Scarlet City happy while noting that skies were gonna be cloudy by the next morning. Being in front of that green screen never got old.

After the cameras were done, Spencer sighed softly. He glanced over at the news casters being pampered with coffee, makeup and other details for their pleasure. He wished he had that kind of experience. But sadly, a forecaster like him could never have that kind of respect. All that work down the drain for him.

"Spencer! In my office!" His boss, Mr Jones said from the back.

Spencer quirked his eyebrow softly. He wondered what could've angered his boss so much. He slowly walked into Mr Jones's office timidly, shutting the door behind him and sitting down. "Y-you wanted to see me, sir?" Spencer asked.

"Spencer, you know that you make people laugh and smile every time you tell the weather, right?" Mr Jones asked, lighting up his cigar. "O-of course, sir. This city deserves a smile on its face after all the dreary news." Spencer replied.

"Really? Because I've been looking through your social media." Mr Jones said, taking a puff of his cigar before getting on his computer and pulling up Spencer's old Convo page. "Lots of these posts are...not very appropriate."

Spencer leaned in and took a look at all the blogs he made. "Spencer. You made a lot of offensive jokes and we can't afford to be canceled online. Social justice is big at the moment and we don't wanna hit the beehive too much."

"Please Mr. Jones. That was 7 years ago. I respect women." Spencer begged. "If you do this, I will lose everything. There's not be a news station in Scarlet City that will hired me."

Mr Jones blew smoke in his face with a straight face. "I already made up my mind. Pack your stuff. You're fired."

Spencer felt crestfallen as his optimistic attitude left his body. He got up and walked out of the office, seeing the news casters easedropping and laughing softly. He sighed softly and walked back to his small office and packed all of his office supplies in a small box.

As Spencer walked outside, the news casters drove over a nearby puddle on purpose, splashing him as they drove home. He sighed softly as his clothes were stained. Now he was jobless and dirty.

But before he could keep walking in his soaked sneakers, a explosion nearby grabbed his attention as he looked up to see a radioactive cloud expanding over the city. Spencer tried his best to run away from the radiation, until he tripped over his untied shoelaces. His whole body absorbed all of the radiation as he fell on the concrete.

Spencer stumbled to get up off the ground, looking around to see most of the city was in a complete blackout. But after a few seconds, the streetlights cut back on, along with the rest of the city's power supply. He looked at his hands, feeling a little strange. He somehow managed to concoct a miniature lightning cloud out of his hands.

Spencer gasped at how he did this. "Do I have....superpowers?"

Present Day

Wilbur was still shivering from the last fight he had with Calvin Frost. Ethan added layer after layer of blankets to Wilbur, wrapping him up to get him warm. "Freeze gun, eh?" Ethan said, pulling up a chair after turning on the heater. "Looks like he nearly gave you pneumonia."

Wilbur chuckled softly, blowing his nose into a tissue from all the mucus. "How the hell did he get that kind of tech? Usually, a bank robber has stuff like...AK-47s or something."

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