Issue 5 - Dizzy

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Wilbur brought Russell into his dorm room. Phoenix Academy recently remodeled many of their students rooms to double as their own individual labs to work on personal projects on.

Wilbur and Ethan updated it into a second hideout just in case they couldn't get a hold of Russell through the ear coms. Wilbur had his hands over Russell's eyes as he brought him into the small room. "I present to batcave."

Russell takes a step forward and finds his loafers stepped into a box of three-day-old pizza. "...could probably use some cleaning up. Who's your Guy In The Chair."

"That's my boy, Ethan. He handles the gadgets we're making." Wilbur replied. "Wait. That blonde Korean kid? Ethan Chau?" Russell glimpsed over the schematics on the table and the data on the computers. "He's pretty good at this stuff." Russell added, honestly impressed.

Just then, a knock came from the door outside. "Mr. Watts?" Principal Everett stood by the door, waiting for Wilbur. "Shhh....I was never here." Russell said before climbing out the window and crawling down the wall.

Wilbur slid on his pajamas and poke his head out the door. "Oh hello there, Principal Everett. Can I help you?" Wilbur asked curiously.

"No need, Mr. Watts. I'm here to make you aware that you have a new teacher in chemistry class." Everett replied. "His name is Mr. Yorkshire and he'll be expecting you in class later today."

"Oh...that's good." Wilbur replied simply.
"Just try to get to class today without being late." Everett added. "That'll be all, Mr. Watts."

Wilbur sighed as he shut his door, preparing for one busy day.

Later, Wilbur was sitting at the quad with Ethan discussing the gadgets they made. "You sure we should be discussing this in public?" Wilbur asked skeptically. "Wilbur, look around." Ethan said, making Wilbur take a gaze at all the students occupied by their phones. "You'd be surprised how much people don't notice us." Ethan grinned, giving him a peek at his plasma gloves. "Finally perfected these babies."

"Holy shit." Wilbur said in awe, looking at the detailed design. "Don't worry, I made some gadgets for you as well." Ethan said as he pulled out a utility belt of small containers. "What's this?" Wilbur asked, inspecting the small items.

"Sap grenades." Ethan replied. "Careful, they explode easily. One wrong move and you'll be stuck to a sticky hard-like surface for like...37 hours."

Wilbur tried to stuff the utility belt into his backpack, out of the sight of any nosy students. "Don't worry. I'll test these out later on when I'm on patrol." Wilbur said.

Just then, Frankie was walking up to the two with a smile. "Hey dudes. Whatcha talking about?" Frankie asked. "Umm....nerd stuff." Ethan replied nervously. "We're working on our projects." Wilbur tried to clear up any awkwardness.

"You guys are in engineering, right?" Frankie asked. "I'm working on a project of my own. It's gonna be so sweet." Wilbur grinned at this. "What is it? Something cool?"

"I can't tell you. Its confidential. You're just gonna have to wait and see." Frankie said. The bell rang as it was time for first period. "Gotta go. Ethan and I have science today."

"I got math." Frankie replied. "Time to let these fractions kick my ass for the next half hour. See you guys later." Frankie walked along to class.

As Wilbur and Ethan walked down the hallway, Wilbur couldn't get Frankie out of his head. Her pretty smile, her long red hair, her green eyes, her personality. It left him flustered ever since he met her. Ethan soon took notice of this and chuckled softly. "What?" Wilbur was confused.

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