Issue 11 - Grossest Villain Ever

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Mickey Meloni walked down the halls of COSMO Labs with his plumbing supplies in hand. He was amazed, being an average joe in such a advanced facility. Dr. Linus Gabriel knew Mickey personally and escorted him to the toilet stalls in the restroom.

"This is a pretty spiffy place you work at, Linus." Mickey chuckled softly.
"Yup. Hell of a office, isn't it?" Linus replied, walking down the steps to accidentally get a whiff of the stank coming from the clogged toilets.

"Whew! Ya smell that?" Mickey grinned, walking over to pat the sides of the toliet seat softly. "Looks like I'm working with a monster here!"

"Yeah, the employees have been complaining about this for two weeks. If you can get this done in a hour, that'll be great." Linus began to plug up his nostrils to block out the horrid smell Mickey had to deal with.

"Heh, don't worry. This'll be a doozy!" Mickey replied, rubbing his hands together in a readying motion before grabbing his supplies.

As he reached inside his toolbag for a plunger, he caught a glimpse of a picture of his fiance, Rhonda. He popped the question to her just yesterday and he couldn't wait to marry her. He slid the picture back in his pocket and proceeded to get to work.

Later that evening, Linus looked out the window in his office, staring out into the city. He grabbed some scotch from his desk and poured himself a glass. He always found himself getting lost in the beautiful sight of the city skyline.

But above the horizon was an explosion, and it looked like it was emitting bio-radiation across the air of the city. Linus dropped his glass on the floor out of terror. The windows broke right in front of him, the pressure of the far away blast sending him flying towards the wall. Linus was knocked out as most of the facility was badly damaged.

In the restroom, Mickey was elbow deep in the pipes, unclogging one of them before the lights went out. "Umm Doc? The lights went out!" Mickey yelled as he tried yanking his hand out of the small narrow pipe he was unclogging. He struggled to get his arm out as the bio-radiation somehow managed to get inside the restroom and merge his molecules with the fecal material he was in contact of.

Mickey's horrified screams turned monstrous as the bathroom soon caved in on itself, sending the mutated plumber into the sewers where the fecal matter would spread all over his body, becoming lesser of a human.


Wilbur rushed down the hallways of Phoenix Academy. He was late to Physics class yet again. He did a light jog to the classroom, ignoring all of the administrators telling him to slow down. Wilbur accidentally ran into someone, meeting the annoyed glare of Principal Everett.

"Hurrying back to class, Mr. Watts?"
"Yeah...I'm running a little late."
"Ah well, it doesn't matter. Portman's class was over an hour ago."

Wilbur sighed in disappointment. " am I so late all the time?"

"Which makes me wonder...what are you getting off to outside of the campus?" Everett asked. "I've gotten word from some security guards that saw you sneak off after hours."

Wilbur then grew nervous. He had to come up with an excuse before he might have unintentionally blown his cover. "Okay...I might've snuck off a few times because...I'm paranoid about my mom. You see, my father was murdered when I was young. I usually go visit my mother to see if she's doing okay by herself."

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