Issue 8 - Forever Beautiful

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Alexander Ingram was the man every woman in Scarlet City wanted. He was on the cover of every modeling magazine you can think of. His face and his body could make a woman swoon. But...with this insatiable beauty also came arrogance.

With his good looks, he thought that he was God's gift to women and that nobody could resist him.

After a evening of partying on his yacht, Alex decided to call it a night and drive back home in his sports car. As he got in the driver's seat, his plus one Cody walked over to the passenger window. "Great party as always, man. But are you sure you're okay to drive?"

"Cody, I'm the most beautiful man of the year. What's a little midnight driving gonna do to me, Alexander Ingram?" Alex gave a condescending grin to him.

"Well, could you at least try to give me a ride home?" Cody asked.
"Of course! There's a bus stop right up the street." Alex said before flicking a bus token at Cody and driving off abruptly.

Cody sighed and rolled his eyes. "Man, what a asshole." He scoffed to himself.

As Alex was driving down the narrow road beside the hills, he checked his phone to see that he had a thousand notifications from women who liked his social media. He smirked softly as he scrolled through his phone, swerving on the road as she was distracted by all the admiration he was getting online. "I am so goddamn irresistible."

Just then, he heard a giant explosion in the city as massive radiation came towards him, disintegrating the trees. Alex looked up and sped up faster, trying to avoid the radiation before getting his whole body consumed and getting knocked off course of the road.

The car flipped and tumbled down the hill before finally crashing into a tree at the bottom of the hill. Alex managed to climb out of the car through the windshield and fell to the ground. He rose up softly and turned to the cracked rearview mirror to see that his face was hideous. Most likely a side effect of the radiation.

My gorgeous face. Alex thought with tears pouring down his face.

"Hey guy, are you okay? You look like you crashed pretty hard."

Alex turned around to see the voice calling out to him. It was a woman, shining a light through the dark woods using her phone. "Do you see that explosion? It was pretty crazy..."

Alex looked up at the woman and grabbed her arm tightly. The woman looked on in horror as she saw a glimpse of his face, trying to pull her arm back. "Let go of me!" She screamed before feeling her body get deformed at a excellerated rate. Alex grunted softly, feeling his beauty come back to him as the woman fell to the ground in a coma.

Alex walked up the hill to see the city skyline. His skin was glowing softly and glistened in the streetlight. "I need to be more...beautiful."


Wilbur and Russell cleared the center spot of the lair. It was time to train. They both had their boxing gloves on. Russell was told that Wilbur had extra powers and wanted to help him jump-start them easier.

"Come on, let me have it." Russell said, tapping Wilbur's gloves.
"I don't know, Russell. What if I can't control it?" Wilbur asked nervously.

The Adventures Of Red Dragonfly [Volume One]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin