Mastitis & Home Sickness (May 2011)

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"Okay, they're really red and inflamed,"Camryn cautions Harry as she lays Darcy, who is whimpering beginning to get hungry, down on the bed beside her legs. Then pulling up her shirt to expose her sore breasts. Harry looks through the phone at Camryn's breasts as he tries to decipher if they look different, the lighting is horrendous and makes it hard for him to really tell a difference.

"Mate, go to sleep,"Louis groans at the light from Harry's phone, getting up from his shared bed with Liam and Niall and walking towards the bathroom.

"I'm talking to Cami,"Harry whispers harshly as he throws a sock that was laying on his nightstand at Louis, trying to tell him to shut up. Louis catches it before it can collide with his chest.

"Ooo! Cami!"Louis smiles rushing over to try and get in the view of the camera to say hi to Camryn.

"No,"Harry hisses swatting Louis' grabbing hands away from his phone to the point where Louis is basically falling on top of Harry.

"I just wanna say hiiii,"Louis whines, knowing he's annoying Harry.

Harry blocks the phone from Louis' view, "mate, she doesn't have a shirt on."

Louis stops and smirks coyly at Harry raising his eyebrows up and down, "ohhhhh now I know why you're having a late night talk." Louis does quotation marks with his fingers as he says 'talk'. "You couldn't do that in the bathroom mate? Had to do that in front of all of us?"

Harry hears Camryn burst out laughing, she could hear the whole exchange between Louis and Harry and quickly put her shirt down in case Louis was successful in wrestling the phone out of Harry's hand.

"Cheeky,"Harry rolls his eyes at his best mate and shoves his shoulder a bit, "she's having problems breastfeeding. You know, adult stuff? You wouldn't understand."

Louis laughs as Harry smiles, "you know one of us is a legal adult, and let me give you a hint of who it is: it's the one who beat teen pregnancy." Harry hears the other three boys chuckle as their heads remain on their pillows, they were awoken by Harry and Louis' wrestling match.

"Oh piss off,"Harry rolls his eyes smirking at Louis.

"Have fun looking at Camryn's boobs. I'm sure they're lovely,"Louis jokes turning away from Harry and walking towards the bathroom, his original destination before he got distracted.

"You wanna take a look?"Harry jokes back, "you can help me decipher whether or not the yellow pus coming out of her boobs is a good sign or not."

"Tempting,"Louis smirks chuckling as he closes the bathroom door.

Harry looks back at Camryn and sees her giggling uncontrollably, "I miss you guys and your bickering."

Harry smirks and then continues, "show me again, babe. Can you turn on the light maybe? I can't really see that well."

"Go have phone sex somewhere else,"Niall groans, his voice muffled against his pillow. Harry reaches to the side of the bed where he discarded the extra pillows on the bed and throws one at Niall, directly hitting his head to shut him up.

Camryn gets off of Harry's childhood bed (she chose to stay with Anne while Harry was away this week so that she didn't have to be alone) and walks over to turn on the lights which makes Darcy cry even harder.

"Little miss is not too happy about the lights being on,"Harry chuckles as he hears Darcy's tiny high pitched wails.

"Yeah, she's super hungry too,"Camryn says sitting back down next to Darcy and pulling up her shirt again so Harry can take a better look, "I'm just scared to feed her incase there's something wrong with the milk."

Family Forever- H.S. (Teen Pregnancy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن