Chapter 27

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Chaemin's POV

"Um, I don't really have anything to say, Haechan had a question to ask you," Taeyong says.

A question for me? From Haechan? It must be a joke. Haha, very funny.

"Yeah, he... um... wants you to come to our dorm..." Taeyong explains nervously. I must have heard him wrong.

I have a whole conversation with Taeyong about whether or not I'm even allowed to visit their dorm, and Taeyong finally convinces me that it'll be fine.

Within a few minutes, we're in the back of the Johnny Suh's car. No way. I look around the simple but clean interior, not believing that I'm in his car.

"What's up, are you Chaemin?" Johnny's voice greets me. I almost forgot he speaks English.

"Yea, nice to meet you, Johnny!" I answer, glad to finally find someone who speaks my native language.

"Taeyong talks about you a lot!" Johnny exposes Taeyong, making me wonder what the idol has said about me to the others.

"Taeyong said it was okay for me to come to your dorm, apparently," I tell Johnny, wanting for him to confirm the fact.

"Yeah, it's fine. I sent our manager to IKEA to get Jaehyun a new light bulb," he explains, making me smile in relief.

"Where did you live in America?" Johnny asks.

"New York City," I answer, feeling homesick.

"Oh, NYC! That's a really nice place," he comments.

We continue talking about random topics in English, and I notice Taeyong with a confused look on his face. I feel a little bad for him.

Just as I'm about to say something in Korean, Taeyong asks, "How far are we from the dorm?"

"We're here," Johnny responds. I glance out the window to see a building right next to us. Wow, so this must be where they live.

"I sent our manager to IKEA to get Jaehyun his light bulb, since it's so far away. We should have at least an hour or two," Johnny adds, repeating his message in Korean for Taeyong.

We take the elevator up to the 5th floor. My palms start sweating a little. It's my first time meeting the other members of NCT privately. At least it's only going to be the 5th floor members... Right?

Well, I guess not.

As we near the door, I hear the unmistakable sound of chaotic NCT. And as loud as they are, I'm 99% sure that that loud of an uproar couldn't be produced by the 5th floor members only.

Thus, I conclude that the 10th floor residents are probably in there, too.

But as Taeyong opens the door, I see that I was wrong once again. All it takes is for the door to move a little tiny bit, and then Taeyong has to shut it again.

"Hyung, you didn't have to host a whole party!" he complains to Johnny.

"Let's do this in a civilized way!" he calls, and then opens the door once again.

After getting a good look inside the dorm, I can see that there is a literal ocean of people in there. This can't be only the 127 members; I bet that all 23 of them are here. Why? I'm not sure.

"So, this is Chaemin," Taeyong introduces me, stepping inside.

"Hi, I'm Chaemin," I greet them, bowing respectfully.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ten do some kind of peace sign symbol with his hand, and all of a sudden everyone comes rushing towards us. 

This stampede give me flashbacks of when I went to Disney World with my family over summer break once. Pretty bad idea.

"OMG HI CHAEMIN!" a dolphin-sounding voice exclaims, reaching me first.

"Hi Chen-" I get cut off by Jungwoo almost tackling me for no apparent reason. Um, this is more overwhelming that I expected it to be. I definitely set my expectations wrong.

"Guys!" Taeyong cries in despair, clapping his hands together while standing on a chair so he towers over everyone. Immediately, the room falls silent and Jungwoo lets go of me.

"Can you all please be more normal?" their leader begs, massaging his temples in stress.

"We'll try!" Jisung promises cheerfully, and then everyone turns their attention away from Taeyong and comes swarming towards me again.

"Johnny, can you get a Chaemin Protection Squad please?" I hear Taeyong call desperately over the chaos. Yeah, I didn't expect this, either, not that it's that bad.

"Lucas! Sungchan! Jeno!" Johnny calls, summoning the people who are somewhat strong enough to control everyone. Unfortunately, only one of those people, Jeno, actually listens and makes his way over to me.

"Guys! Stop suffocating her!" Johnny yells, and then everyone parts again. "Sit on the floor," he orders, and everyone immediately complies like preschool children being scolded.

"Okay. So, I may have not used my brain when sending an invite out to all of you..." Haechan apologizes from the other side of the group, even though he doesn't look very sorry for the chaos that he caused.

"Well, use your brain next time, Haechan. I swear, if you bother me one more time today..." Taeyong seethes, ready to throw hands.

"I'm sorry!" Haechan squeaks, rushing to hide behind Mark, who leans away from him, looking annoyed.

"It's fine, as long as you guys stop acting so loud. Can we all be good hosts?" Taeyong asks, his gaze sweeping over the seated members.

"Yes Sir," they all chorus, making Taeyong smile in satisfaction.

"Thank you for listening! Now you can get to know Chaemin, but ONLY in small groups," he dismisses everyone.


Did I make them too chaotic?... No, I didn't. 🤣

Thank you for reading!

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