Chapter 6

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Taeyong's POV

Yep, I definitely screwed up.

I watch her rub her eyes out of the corner of my eye, warily observing her. She doesn't seem that bad... But I'm not putting my guard down.

I gather my courage and look over at her so that I won't seem rude. I don't need a "Taeyong Being Rude To Fans" scandal somewhere out there in a few days.

She looks starstruck. I sigh and take off my cap, running my hand through my hair.

If you look on the bright side, I no longer have to wear my mask and my cap for the remainder of the flight, assuming that the flight attendant doesn't recognize me. But now my identity has been revealed.

"Hi," I say, looking back over at her. She covers her mouth, and looks like she's trying to restrain herself from screaming. Most likely, she's thinking, 'Taeyong's talking to me!', or something along the lines of that.

"H-hi," she stutters, still staring at me. Then she looks away for a few seconds. This Czennie seems pretty nice. But once again - not putting my guard down.

Apparently her name is Chaemin. Interesting, rhymes with Jaemin. And part of the whole point of going on a flight by myself was to let myself momentarily forget about my 22 children in Korea. I can only hope that I won't go back to the dorms to find that they've been burned down by Mark or Haechan or something.

I have a casual conversation with her and learn some stuff about her, which I store in the back of my mind. After a while, I put my AirPods back in to keep listening to music.

My eyes wander over to Chaemin, and I'm surprised to see that she's asleep. She's probably not used to waking up early to get on a flight, considering this is her first time on an airplane. Yep, I didnt' forget. I'm more than used to trying not to fall asleep on flights so I can wake up the member who's sitting next to me when food comes.

I end up staring out the window and letting my thoughts wander, while my playlist keeps on playing song after song.

Before I know it, it's already 11:55. In other words, according to my past experiences, it's 5 minutes until lunch.

I look over at Chaemin, and see that she's still asleep. Hesitating for a moment, I think about whether or not I should wake her up, and decide she probably wouldn't want to miss out on lunch.

I lean over and tap her on the shoulder, letting her know that the food's about to come. After a minute, she finally opens her eyes, and then covers her face, embarrassed.

"How long was I asleep?" she asks.

"Like, 3 hours?" I answer, shrugging. I am kind of amused at her embarrassed state, though.

The food comes soon, and I take my pick. I've tried the other option before, and... Let's just say it wasn't the most pleasant option out there. So I've been choosing this one ever since, and it's not bad at all. Luckily, the flight attendant doesn't seem to be a fan of NCT.

I see that Chaemin's about to choose her meal, and make sure to let her know that the one I chose is better. She takes my advice and chooses the correct one. Good.

Wait, why do I even care again? Probably because I don't need a passenger next to me who doesn't like their food. Right. Or maybe it's because I have to make Korean Air food taste as good as possible? I push my thoughts aside and concentrate on eating.

"How's the food?" I decide to ask. I'm a really fast eater, even on airplanes, because we usually don't get a long time to eat in between practices.

She says that it's not as bad as the food that she cooks, and we have a short conversation about cooking. Apparently her friend eggs are worse than Mark's. I shudder when she says that. Images of Mark's eggs fly through my head, and I immediately push them out.

After a while, it's 1:00. I've been talking to Chaemin periodically, and mostly being bored. I got bored of the screen in front of us a long time ago.

And 1:00 is when I usually take a nap. Flights can be really tiring and dull, and the best way to pass time is to sleep. It's also very enjoyable, and a nice chance to rest.

I glance over at Chaemin, who's on her phone. Maybe she's listening to music or playing a game or something else along the lines of that.

I think about warning her to not take pictures of me or anything, but decide that from what I know about her, she wouldn't be the kind of person to take pictures of me.

So I pull my hood up, play some music, and drift off to sleep.


Sorry if my writing style makes everything kind of repetitive 😅. Please let me know if it's annoying and I can try to fix it 😊.

Thanks for reading!

Long Flight | NCT TaeyongOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora