Chapter 12

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Taeyong's POV

As I'm being crowded by fans, I suddenly hear a familiar voice shout, "DOES ANYONE WANT A POLAROID PHOTO SIGNED BY TAEYONG?"

Startled, my head snaps up to see Chaemin, standing on a bench and waving my Polaroid photo in the air. Ah, so she found it. Wait a second, what is she doing?

Her eyes meet mine, and I see her wildly signalling for me to go. I glance around and notice that almost everyone is looking at her, wondering if she has some kind of problem.

Before I can think, my manager yells for me to follow him. I quickly bow in Chaemin's direction, and then weave my way through the remaining fans to get to my manager's car.

Once safely in the car with my suitcase in the trunk, I glance back and see Chaemin jumping down from the bench and running towards the parking lot, with her suitcase in tow.

Knowing that she's safe, I lean back and close my eyes, taking a break from all of the chaos. After a few minutes, our manager asks me, "Who was that young lady back there? Do you know her?"

"Uh, yeah, she was next to me in the plane," I answer, opening my eyes.

"Well, she sure embarrassed herself back there," our manager says with a laugh. "But she saved us, and I guess that really says something."

"Yeah, some NCTzens are really nice," I answer, taking a sip of water.

"That's right. But remember, Taeyong, don't get too close to any of them," he reminds me, turning off the highway onto the local streets of Seoul.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, I know, you don't have to remind me," I sigh.

"Okay then. Well, here we are," my manager says after a few minutes, parking the car. Luckily, the building looks fine - I don't think the dorm will be burned down. I get out and retrieve my suitcase, getting into the building as fast as I can. My manager joins me a few minutes later, and we head up to the 5th floor.

When I open the door, Johnny looks up from one of the couches and says, "Welcome back. How was your flight? And also, did you enjoy New York?"

"New York was lots of fun. The flight was good, too," I answer, bringing my suitcase to my room. My manager disappears down one of the hallways, probably to his room.

"I saw an article about you getting to the car," Johnny says, appearing in my doorway.

"Yeah, what about it? Nothing unusual," I answer, unzipping my suitcase so I can unpack it.

"Yeah, but the video about the person who saved you was pretty entertaining," Johnny says, showing me his phone. Sure enough, he somehow found a video of Chaemin standing on the bench, waving the Polaroid photo around.

"Yeah, she was next to me on the plane. What's your point?" I ask, leaving my suitcase there and flopping onto my bed. Ah, home sweet home. With Johnny in the doorway.

"I don't know, it's just funny," Johnny laughs, putting his phone in his pocket. I shoot him a look - not a mean one, just a "please leave me alone now, I want to sleep" look. He gets the point and leaves the room.

Finally alone, I take my phone out from my bag so I can check my schedule for the week. It looks like just have to practice and stuff like that. The only big event is that we have a concert in about a week.

I find myself thinking about Chaemin, wondering if she'll be there at the concert. Why am I even thinking about her? Probably because she just saved my life back at the airport. Okay, that might be an over exaggeration. I guess it's because I was on the plane with her for so long.

I drag myself over to my suitcase to unpack it. I have a routine, even for unpacking my suitcase - it's all part of my whole travel routine. 

It's really simple. I take out all of my clothes and put them in my closet. Then, I grab my toiletries and some skincare stuff to put in my bathroom. Finally, I sort out all of the extra stuff out that I bought in America, and make a pile of the stuff that I bought for the rest of the members. Then I put my suitcase in my closet and leave my bag to unpack another time.

And now I can finally go to sleep stress-free. For now.


I wish that I could unpack suitcases that fast...

Also, I don't really know the 127 dorm that well (it'd be concerning if I did), so I apologize if the descriptions are inaccurate.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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