Chapter 38

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Taeyong's POV

"Hyung!" Chenle calls, walking over from the other side of our practice room. Every head except for Jisung's turns in his direction.

"Sorry, I meant Taeyong hyung," he apologizes as everyone shrugs and resumes their individual conversations.

"Hey, Chenle!" I greet him.

"Can you invite Chaemin over?" he asks directly. Gosh, what is with this kid and Chaemin?

"Um, sure?" I respond, pulling out my phone.

"I already invited her, Chenle!" Jaehyun calls from my left. I whip my head in his direction, surprised at his statement.

"Oh ok, thanks, Jaehyun hyung," Chenle says, making sure to clarify the person who he's talking to. Then he turns on his heel and dashes over to Jungwoo.

"Sorry, what's happening?" I ask, scooting over to Jaehyun for clarification on the situation.

"Hm? Oh, I invited Chaemin over, since our practice is basically over," he explains casually, busy playing a game on his phone..

"So you guys are talking to her, huh?" I ask, still trying to process everything.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" he inquires, tucking his phone away into his pocket and taking a sip of water. He casts a side glance at me.

"N-no, I'm just surprised," I respond, caught off guard.

"Did you invite her to the 5th floor?" I ask, hoping with all of my heart that he says no. Changing the subject is something I do a lot to get out of sticky situations.

"Yeah," he answers, taking a sip of water. I facepalm, getting flashbacks of the amount of trash that I had to clean up the last time everyone came to our dorm.

"You know what? It's fine," I tell myself, getting up to pack my bag so we can leave soon. Chaemin will probably be there really soon, so I should get ready.

~Time Skip~

The doorbell rings, signalling that our visitor is here. I get up from the couch and open the door to let her in.

"Hey, Chaemin!" I greet her, ignoring all of the noise and chaos going on around us.

"Oh, hi, Taeyong," she responds, taking of her shoes and looking around the room. Right, it takes a while to get used to our volume. Luckily, I'm pretty much immune to it by now.

"You okay?" I ask, tilting my head at her tone. She seems kind of down today.

"What? Hm, oh, yeah, Eunhae just visited me this morning..." she trails off.

"Oh no, she did?" I gasp, concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry, though, I just shut her down," Chaemin adds, seeing my concerned expression.

"Savage Chaemin agenda?" Yangyang asks, approaching us.

"Wait a second, how did you even know about this, Yangyang?" I ask, knowing full well that I haven't told anybody about Chaemin's situation with her best friend.

"I, um, have my ways," Yangyang shrugs, brushing it off and starting to tell Chaemin all about our practice.

I swear, it feels like everyone is excluding me nowadays.

"What did Eunhae say?" Hendery asks. "Spill the tea."

"Hm? Oh, she just continued threatening me and dumb stuff like that," she explains, then adds, "She also broke my bed. It was kind of funny."

"She broke your bed? The audacity!" Hendery gasps dramatically.

"Yeah, just one of the boards. It's all good, though, I'll just get a new one," she responds, shrugging it off.

"Isn't your bed literally brand new?" Hendery questions.

"Yea, she's starting to get on my nerves. Actually, she got on my nerves a long time ago. Anyways, what are you all doing?" Chaemin asks, hanging up her coat.

"We're just being loud, annoying each other - You know, the usual," Renjun tells her before turning around to tell Haechan to go away.

"Ah... I see," our guest comments hesitantly. "Very normal, yes." I crack a smile, observing her reactions. This is how people usually react to us, not that a lot of people have been here before.

"So, what do you want to do? I'm bored," Jaemin complains, joining our group and throwing his arms around Renjun. Jeno then jumps on Jaemin, who lets go of Renjun and then pushes Jeno off. Yes, yes. Very very normal behavior.

"What is there to do?" Mark asks, joining us.

"Let's go paragliding," Johnny hyung suggests. I shoot him a look, while Mark, on the other hand, immediately starts laughing and slapping Johnny's shoulder. I turn away from them and let them do their thing.

"LeTs mAkE A HanDShAkE!" Chaemin exclaims, earning laughs from both Johnny and Mark. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"No, let's just watch a movie," Jaehyun counters.

"That's the best idea I've heard so far," I decide. "Movie it is."


Happy 8K Reads! How does this keep happening so quickly 😭💚

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Long Flight | NCT TaeyongOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora