Chapter 11

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Chaemin's POV

When I get to the conveyor belt, I spot my light pink suitcase, coming my way. When it gets to me, I reach out and try to haul it off the conveyor belt. But it doesn't budge. Dang it, I shouldn't have packed so many of my K-pop albums in this suitcase. They may have been a bit too heavy.

I let go of it. I'll just wait for it to come around again - even though I doubt my strength will suddenly increase enough for me to pull it off the belt.

As I'm watching it travel down the conveyor belt, I suddenly see someone reach out and pull it off the belt. Are they stealing my suitcase?

As I run over towards my suitcase, I see that the person is Taeyong, with his mask and cap on. I feel my face heat up, embarrassed that I needed him to pull my suitcase off for me.

After thanking him a million times, I'm back on my own in this airport - except this time, everything is in Korean. I'm pretty good at Korean, but it takes me a while to figure out where I should be going.

When I finally get out, I get a call from my dad, saying that he's outside. I tell him that I'll be right outside, and start heading towards the door.

But as soon as I get out, I'm pulled into a crowd of people, all screaming and pushing each other to get to someone or something in the middle. I get pushed from behind nearer to the middle of the crowd. 

As I look up to see what all of the craze is about, my eyes meet Taeyong's. He looks slightly annoyed, and very tired. Ah, we meet again. But this time, the circumstances are less fun.

A man who I assume is one of NCT's managers keeps on trying to get the fans to move, but it's all in vain.

I get a text message from my dad, asking me where I am. I quickly tell him that I'm stuck in a crowd of fans and probably won't be out for a while.

After about five minutes, the crowd still won't move. I sigh and take off my backpack to put my phone back inside, since I'll probably be stuck here for a while.

As I'm placing my phone in the front pocket, I feel a thin paper-like item inside, except it doesn't feel like paper. Confused, I pull it out and see... A Polaroid photo of Taeyong? WHEN DID THIS GET HERE?

I hope that nobody saw. Luckily - well, not really luckily - everyone's too preoccupied with Taeyong. I flip the photo over and see a message on the back.

After reading it, I suddenly get an idea to get both myself and Taeyong out of this annoying, unwanted situation.

Looking around, I notice a bench very near to where I'm standing in the crowd. After a little bit of pushing of my own - which, I usually wouldn't do - I finally get to it and stand on it with some other people filming.

I take a second to actually think about what I'm going to do. I'm going to embarrass myself so badly, I'll never live this down. However, if I do this, Taeyong can finally go home, and I can find my dad, too.

So, taking a deep breath, I yell as loudly as I can, "DOES ANYONE WANT A POLAROID PHOTO SIGNED BY TAEYONG?"

Immediately, all heads turn towards me. I wave the Polaroid photo in the air to keep their attention. People next to me try to grab at the photo, but I hold onto it tightly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Taeyong, looking at me with confusion. I signal him to leave, and after a moment of hesitation, he bows towards me and then gets past the remaining fans with the manager.

"Well, if you guys do want a signed photo from Taeyong, you should respect his personal space, and he might reward you," I say, trying to keep myself from falling off the bench.

Murmurs of "Who is she?" and "It's probably a fake" ripple through the crowd of NCTzens. I jump down from the bench and make a run for it while everyone's still talking to each other.

That was embarrassing.


I literally spent so long trying to come up with a way for Chaemin to save Taeyong from the crowd...

Like I even considered having her dad be a businessman with bodyguards, so sorry if this chapter was a little weird. 🤣

Thank you for reading!

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