Chapter 51

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Johnny's POV
(special POV again)

"Let's go!" I smile, starting the car. I'm driving Taeyong and Chaemin to get coffee, and I myself even get some out of this whole thing.

The whole way to the store, which is only a few minutes, they sit in the back, talking about their favorite types of coffee or something.

I do comment a few things here and there, but I mostly just listen to them talk. These people are actually in love. The fact that they've made me feel like a third wheel already is pretty impressive.

I park the car, and by the time the doors are locked, Taeyong and Chaemin are already off. I walk behind them, looking around. Why are sidewalks so narrow?

"What do you want, Chaemin?" Taeyong asks, glancing at her with a smile on his face. I'm about to awkwardly ask him for my Iced Americano when he asks for my order, too. Thank goodness.

"So, how was your museum date?" I ask. Chaemin answers my question, then goes back to conversing with Taeyong about the flight on which they first met.

I just sit across from them, observing their interaction. I could at least do something productive with my time, since they're pretty much in their own world, where I don't exist.

My observations are as follows:

1. Taeyong smiles a lot when he's around Chaemin, and vice versa

2. Taeyong gets flustered whenever Chaemin teases him

3. Taeyong gets jealous easily (which I didn't hesitate to point out, the poor server)

4. They are most definitely in love

Yes, that last observation was the easiest out of all of them to make. I officially have something to annoy Taeyong with now.

After accepting that I'm never going to fit into their conversation, I pull out my phone and pretend that I'm busy doing something to make myself feel less like a third wheel.

I do think of something interesting to do, though.

Seeing as Taeyong and Chaemin are both the type of people who have no romantic experience whatsoever, I think that they need a nudge in the right direction.

Lucky for them, I'm a professional at this kind of stuff, and I have 21 minions on hand who can help me.

A few minutes later, my newest project, Project Chaeyong (I picked this one over Taemin sorry), is ready to go. All I had to do was create a group chat with all NCT except for Taeyong, tell everyone about the plan, and then start a brainstorming session with the group.

"Johnny, what are you smiling at?" Taeyong asks, scaring me. So he is paying attention to other things.

"Hm? Nothing," I respond, then realize that I sound suspicious, and add, "I'm just watching some funny videos made by our Czennies."

"I thought that our senses of humor are weird," Chaemin teases me.

"Oh, I changed my mind," I quickly cover up.

"Okay then," they both shrug. I observe them for a little more, making sure to turn my ringer off, since the Chaeyong chat is going to be very active.

Taeyong offers Chaemin his drink. What a boyfriend move. 

Chaemin blushes and takes a sip of it. Couple sign. 

They both get flustered. Definite couple sign.

Let's get this show on the road.


Hi I'm back with another double update! Thank you all for 28k 💚

Also, please make sure that you've read Chapter 50 (and also chapter 45 from last time), since when I double update sometimes people get confused and miss the first chapter! <3

Thanks for reading!

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