9| bus stop

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VIOLET HAD NO WHERE TO GO. She spent a night sleeping in the car in the freezing cold with nothing but the warmth of her jackets. Violet was always cold. Even with the layers upon layers of clothing to hide any significant body outline. She had an entire day to herself to think about her position in the alpha pack, thinking about how it eliminated her morals.

She was tired of being under their control. "Back to your seats!"

When she heard about the trip the lacrosse team are taking to the California lacrosse tournaments that combined every high school's sports team in the state, she knew she had to go. It gave her a place to stay for the weekend while she could sort out who she wanted to side with. But most of all, she went for an excuse to stay close to a certain werewolf— although he'd been avoiding her the entire ride.

Violet had her head against the bus window, exhausted from the day before. "Violet?"

"Hmm?" She opened her eyes, her eyelids heavy from how tiresome she was. It was Scott, seated beside her.

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, it's fine." She reassured him, although she was skeptical on what he had to say.

"How did you get on here? It's lacrosse members only."

She nodded. "And the cheerleading squad."

"There is no cheerleading squad."

"Coach doesn't know that." She had the feeling someone was staring at her, so she twisted in her seat to take a look at Isaac and Stiles, who were leaning over the bus seats to overhear on the conversation. Once they saw her catching her, they instantly ducked under the seats to hide. "Huh."

Scott widened his eyes, embarrassed. "Uh... don't mind them." He said sheepishly.

"Why are you here?"

"Isaac told me what happened last night. I was wondering if..."

"If i'm still on their side?" She asked. "I'm not. Not exactly." She tried to explain. "I'm a part of the pack, that type of thing doesn't go away easily, but... I don't want to be one of the bad guys anymore. I don't want to hurt people anymore."

Scott looked relieved. "That's... that's great, Violet. If you need anything, we could—"

"You didn't let me finish." Violet insisted. "I don't want to be the good guy either. I'm not like you, i'm not willing to push myself into things that don't involve me for the sake of other people. I just want to survive this." She finally said.


The melancholy of his voice, like he'd been disappointed in her, caused a hollow feeling in her guts. Scott winced as he attempted to get up, causing her to stare at him suspiciously. "What is it?"

"It's nothing—"

She rode his shirt up to reveal a bleeding wound. "Doesn't look like nothing. Did Deucalion do that?" She asked. "You know you need to patch that up, right? This isn't an ordinary wound, you'll need stitches for it to heal."

Stiles got up from his seat, moving to the two. "I couldn't help but overhear—"

"Stilinski, back at your seat!"

"Give me a minute!" Stiles groaned, turning to the wendigo. "Did you say he needs stitches?"

Violet nodded. "He'll bleed out unconscious without them." She analysed the wound on his stomach. "I give him ten minutes." Scott groaned, squirming in pain as the wound bleed more efficiently. "Okay, five."

devil breaks you ━━  isaac laheyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora