3| high school

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SHE WAS TRAGICALLY, UNDENIABLY BEAUTIFUL. It was the kind of beauty correlated with the haunting aura of her eyes, a beauty to pity the squander of. Although most of the time, the dried blood on her face and unwashed hair erased the allurement of it all. Violet had never cared much for looks, but she recalled when she grumbled a protest about how dirty she'd feel while on hunts with the alpha pack, and Reid's response had always stuck with her.

I like you better with a little blood on your face, Reid had pressed his thumb against her cheek once with a smile.

Violet silently prayed the blood she'd smeared on her cheeks would now distract him from the conundrum she induced. "I told you not to fuck up."

"I know, it's my fault."

"You're right, it is." Reid crouched down his girlfriend who had her back against the tree seated on the floor. "It's also mine for letting you go through with this. Even though you knew you should've told me first." He muttered the last part, throwing the bandage to her. "You'll heal."

She wrapped the bandage around her wounded arm. "Not fast."

"But fast enough." Reid deadpanned, walking her to the car. "It was Braeden, right? I never liked that bitch."

Violet did. Like her, that is. Braeden had been the only person outside of the alpha pack to know who she was, and despite being the pack's hostage she had been the only sane perspective in a world of neurotic voices. "Your dad's going to find her, isn't he?" She sat on the passenger's seat of the car. "What does it matter? I got the necklace."

"Don't lose it next time." He warned as he started the car. "And this isn't just about that relic, this is about taking what's ours." He drove through the empty streets, and she gazed at the back to school signs around the school buildings.

"What did he say?" She whispered carefully. "Your dad. What did he say when you told him?"

Reid glanced at her momentarily before answering. "You won't see him, if that's what you're worried about. Not until tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

He stopped the car abruptly, taking out the papers in his pockets. "Your first day of school." He flashed her the transfer papers.

"You're kidding." She shook her head, clutching the papers in her hands. "That's what took you so long? You were signing my papers?"

Violet had been bleeding out in the middle of the woods, whilst her boyfriend was admitting her to a high school, and it drove her mad. Though she knew better than to show it. "I thought this is what you wanted? To go back to your normal life?"

"Not like this." She gaped at the paper in disbelief before looking up at him, irritation tracing her face. "This is about Scott McCall, isn't it?"

"You could identify him and his friends and their entire families at that, you're the perfect way to get to them."

By that, he means Violet is the perfect way to torture Scott McCall's friends, possibly be ordered to kill them, until he capitulates and joins the Alpha Pack. "I'm not going." She shook her head repeatedly. "Not without you."

"You're going." He spoke vacantly. "The twins will be there."

      "And why won't you be there? Because I don't think—"

      "I don't care what you think." Reid widened his eyes as if he was appalled she'd assumed otherwise. "I'm sorry." He instantly added, clicking his tongue. "It's just... they don't know you're the enemy yet. Until Isaac can tell them who you are, you have the opportunity to find out information about them. And once they do know who you are..."

devil breaks you ━━  isaac laheyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang