100k special- part 1

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Before we I start this chapter I just wanted to thank you guys soooooooo much for 100k reads. When I started this story I never thought it would get this much attention. This was the first story I've ever written and has brought me so much joy and I hope it brought you some joy too!!! I love all of you😘😘😘😘😘

Now onto the chapter

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My heart was pounding in my ears as I stared at the two pink lines on the pregnancy test in my hands. I brushed a piece of hair behind my hair with my shaking hand.

"Just breathe" Sara soothes rubbing my back with a soft smile. Kie hands me a glass of water that I quickly drink before setting it down on the marble counter. I stand up quickly pacing back and forth in the fairly large bathroom.

"What am I going to do?" I asked the two girls, Kiara sitting on the edge of the bathtub and Sara standing by the toilet. "I haven't even got out of college yet"

My mind spirals out of control as another wave on nausea hits me like a truck. I wrap my hands around the cold counter in front of the sink looking at my face in the mirror.

Over the past two years nothing much had changed in my appearance. My hair was now shoulder length wavy brown. I've gained a few more freckles but other than that I look the same as I did when we went to the Bahamas to look for the gold.

Since Rafe and Ward were arrested, life had only gotten better. JJ had started a surf board and training business. It proved to be pretty successful and he absolutely loves it.

I however decided- despite the gold money- decided to go to college.  I'm currently in school to become a detective. When I started college that was what interested me the most. JJ of course supported me the entire way through.

We live next to John B who works with JJ some helping him out(which usually ends up in the two goofing off and Sara and I having to come and help them out). When he's not with JJ he's helping build houses around the cut.

Sara goes to school like me. She's studying to become a teacher, something she's perfect for. We usually get coffee on our lunches and even have a couple courses together.

Kiara and Pope visit often, since it's summer they're staying at JJ and mines house right now. Pope loves college and Kie loves it even more. There's so many movements she's apart of and has even raised millions of dollars against pollution.

Topper and Anna decided on living in New York. Anna became a hotel manager and Topper is a writer. He's sold a few best sellers and is quiet a good author. Topper visits a lot while Anna's busy with work.

We have 3 extra rooms in our house perfect for many guest, not to mentions John B's house right next door. Our back yards are connected and even though we are all 20 year old adults now we still know how to throw a good party now and then.

Unlike what I thought would happen when everyone moved away, we're all still extremely close. They all come down for holidays and breaks, we talk almost everyday and our group chat never has a dull moment.

For summer everyone besides Anna came to stay for a few weeks. Most days were spent surfing and drinking just like when we were teens. This morning the boys left to fish while us girls were going to have a girls day.

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