Chapter 7-I've been waiting two years

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Chapter 7-I've been waiting 2 years

Maddi's pov

"you brought empty tanks" Kie says to John b. When John B got back from the camerons we all piled into the boat and headed to the wreck. But when we got there Kie realized the tanks were empty.

"good going" I tell John B sarcastically

"wait this one's 1/4 full" Pope tells us.

"Love it when a plan comes together" JJ says saracstically while patting John B on the shoulder.

"Does anyone know how to dive" Kie ask annoyed at how bad everything was going.

"It's kind of a kook sport" I tell her sitting down at the front of the boat.

"I read about it" Pope says.

"Great pope read about it so someones going to die" Kie jokes, we all laugh.

"Look you put the thing in your mouth and breath. How hard could it be?" JJ ask looking to pope and standing up.

"Well if you come up too fast nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends." Pope replies to JJ's question.

" Bends like bend over?" JJ jokes while bending over and sticking his butt out. I roll my eyes usually I would laugh but I couldn't not after what happened.

"The bends kill you" Pope says not amused at JJ's joke. JJ straightens up and clears his throat.

" I can dive." John B says.

"No you can't" I tell my brother while standing up and walking over to him.

"I'll do it, it's fine" He tells me. He gives me a look, a let me do this look so I listen and sit back down. JJ joins me, I stiffen up. I was hurt but I can't let him know that so I try to act as normal as possible. He was wearing the red baseball cap that I gave him one year when I came to visit. He always looks so cute in that hat.

"Let me do some caculations real"pope says walking closer to the front of the boat."so the boats around 30 feet down so you'll need to do a saftey stop at 15 feet and 10 feet." pope continues.

Me and Kie look at eachother she stands up and grabs her shirt from beside her. I lift my shirt and we both dive into the water. I tie my shirt at 15 feet and she ties hers at 10. When we reach surface we high five and then climb back onto the boat.

"we tied our shirts at 15 and 10 feet, that's where you need to do your saftey stop" She tells my brother. He nodded and got everything on so he can dive.

"if we get caught in the marsh we're basically screwed so better get a move on it." Pope tells John b. 

"Hey be careful" I tell him and give him a small hug.

"I'll be okay" John b tells me and then walks over to kie. She whispers something in his ear then kisses him on the cheek. John B jumps into the water and starts going down. We all run to the edge to watch for him. After a couple minutes I start pacing worried for my brother. JJ notices and walks over to me.

"Hey, he'll be fine" JJ says to comfort me. I give him a slight smile then we hear a whoop of police sirens.

"sh*t" JJ mutters. Me and JJ move to the front of the boat while pope and Kie are by the drivers seat.

"Just act friggen natural." Kie tells us. JJ grabs my hand and sqeezes it. My heart flutters at his small act.

"Evening officers" Pope greeted them.

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