Chapter 6-mistake

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Chapter 6-mistake

Hey guys! since i added the hospital scene the story line is going to be different. All the events will happen just in a longer span of time( I already added two days from her being in the hospital). Hope this clears up any confusion!

Maddi's pov-

"Hey, how'd it go?" Pope ask me as I climb into the car.

"It went good, he's going to come back around tomorrow" I tell pope as we drive off. I wanted to go back and kiss him. During the ride back home I keep thinking about all the reasons me and JJ wouldn't work out. No matter how bad I wanted it to. I walked into my living room to see John b still asleep on the couch, Kie was gone she probably went home.

"He didn't sleep the whole time you were in there" Pope told me. I nod then walk over to my brother. I grab a blanket off the back of the couch and cover him up. Popes back on the porch so I meet him out there.

"Hey thanks for the ride" I tell him.

"no problem!" He says. "You okay"

I nod my head yes but I think he knows i'm not, he's just not prying and i'm very thankful for that.

"You sleeping out here tonight?" I ask him 

"yeah it's a nice night" He tells me looking around while he sits on the couch and grabs a blanket. Pope always likes to sleep outside when the weather is good. I like to sleep outside too but tonight I needed to be alone. I nod at him and walk inside. Once I get to my room I flop on my bed I grab a picture album and flip through the pictures, I come across a picture of me and JJ. It was at the beach he was holding me by the waist lifting me up in the air and we were both laughing. I lay in bed and think. Think about everything. Is it worth it? Me and JJ. After a while of thinking I decide I just need to talk to him. I don't know what i'm going to say but i'll figure it out.


"wake up" I hear John b say as he throws a pillow at my head. "mandatory group meeting in 30 minutes" He tells me walking out of my room.

I sit up and all of last nights memories flood back to me. I lay in bed for 10 minutes trying to find the will to get out of bed. I'm not a morning person I swing my feet off the side of the bed. I feel a sharp pain in my side as I remeber the pain meds the doctors gave me probably wore off by now. I shuffle over to my dresser and pull out a black bikini along with some jean shorts to put on over it. I find one of JJ's flannels on my floor its black and red, way to big for me so it goes mid thigh but that's why I like wearing them so much. Plus it smells like JJ which I don't mind. I grab it and slip it on while walking into the living room. I walk down the hall and hear voices. One is John B's but the other I don't recognize. I creep down the hall trying not to make a noise and peek around the corner to find sherrif peterkin talking to John b. I listen in on their conversation.

"If you keep going down this path I can't help you, they're gonna seperate you and I won't be able to stop them" Peterkin says. My heart sinks, They can't do that can they? I try to get closer but I step on a weak spot and the floor creeks. I walk into the livingroom trying to play it off.

"Well I'll be going, think about what I said John B" The sherrif says walking out the door. 

"Can they split us up" I ask my brother when peterkin is gone. He groans and slides his hand down his face.

"I didn't want you to hear that" He tells me" I would never let that happen." I nod and head to the kitchen. I pour a cup of coffee and sit down at the table. John B sits next to me.

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