Chapter 4-inside voices

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Chapter 4- Inside voices

JJ's Pov ( In this part it skips back a little to show the party in JJ's pov and his reaction to what happens with maddi)

I saw maddi walk over and start dancing with some kook. It made my blood boil, I wanted to be the one that danced with her not him. After a long time of watching them I needed to get my mind off her. I walked up to the blonde I was talking to earlier. We flirt for a while until John B walks up to me.

"Hey man, Whats up with maddi?" He asked me.

"I don't know, she was really mad when she got here" I tell him. He looks in the distance and I look too. I see her holding hands and walking down the beach with that guy. I chug the rest of my beer.

"Yeah she was drinking tonight im kinda worried" JB says. I was going to say something but then Kie came up to us.

"what is she doing here" Kie said pointing to sarah cameron the kook princess and her boyfriend topper. Sarah and Kie have some kind of drama that I don't really know about. I poor another drink and start to offer it to John B but then I see sarah.

"Hey sarah can I offer you in a tasty milwaukee beverage" I say to her trying to hand her the beer. She declines and I try to offer it again. Topper got mad and pushed it out of my hands. I shove him back and was about to punch him when John b holds me back.

"He's not worth it" He says to me still holding me back

"dirty pogues" Topper mutters. Thats when John b let's go of me and punches Topper. They're both throwing punches and then tackle eachother into the water. Topper ends up on top of John b and holds him under. Kie,Pope and sarah are screaming for him to stop but I knew that wasn't going to work. I saw my bag out of the corner of my eye and grabbed the gun from the motel out of it. I push it to the back of Toppers head.

"your move broski" I say as topper puts his hands up.

"we're good" He says getting up and walking away.

"Everyone get out of our side of the island" I yell to the crowd and fire two shots in the air. John b gets out of the water and lays on the sand, he can barley breathe.

"wheres maddi" Kie ask.

"I saw her walk down the beach with some guy earlier" Pope tells us.

"I'll go get her and tell her we need to go" Kie tells me. I nod knowing she probaly doesn't want to see me right now. After a few minutes of waiting I hear Kie yell for help. I look at pope as we start running. John b is still pretty wiped out from almost drowning so he's lying in the sand.

I see Kie standing next to someone laying on the ground. When I got close enough I realized it was maddi. She had bruises all on her body and she was bleeding really bad. I run up and kneel on the ground. I very carefully put her head on my lap.

"JJ" I hear her say.

"Yeah, I'm right here maddi" I tell her rubbing my thumb against her cheek. I don't know who did this to her but whoever did i'll kill them. It kills me to see her like this. She's always so strong,so pure and she doesn't deserve this.

"John B get over here, It's maddi!" Pope shouted.

"shhh, Inside voices" She said. Even when she's in so much pain she still manages to bring a smile to my face.

"what's wrong" John B says before seeing maddi.

"Holy sh*t?!" He questioned kneeling down next to her and grabbing her hand

"Maddi" He said voice slightly cracking seeing his sister like this.

"Im fine, You should see the other guy" she joked trying to make John B feel better. We all laughed.

"Lets get you home" Pope says standing up next to Kie.

I put my hands under her arms and John b grabs her hands. She couldn't even lift herself up, because of the damage. We got her up and she was standing but I still had my hands under her arms just incase. Im glad I did because less than 30 seconds later she passed out and her legs gave up under her. I caught her so she didn't fall but when we tried to wake her she wouldn't wake up. My heart was racing. Pope put his finger under her nose .

"She isn't breathing" He said pannicking. I quickley picked her up all the way.

"We need to get her to the hospital" Kie said. John b stood next to me holding her hand as we ran to the van. We got in and laid her across the seat. John b drove us there very quickly. On the way there she started breathing again but not regularly.

"we need help" John b yelled as we bursted through the er doors. The nurse told me to set her on the gurney. The doctors rushed her back while they put a breathing mask on her. John B started crying so Kie and Pope went over to console him.

How could I let this happen? I should've been there. It's my fault she was drinking, I shouldn't of hooked up with that girl. I could barley breathe I needed to get out of there. I left the hospital and ran all the way back to her house. When I walked into her room all I could think about was how much I want her to be okay. She's my bestfriend and I couldn't live without her. I found a picture of me and her two years ago surfing. She had it set up by her bed. I went to sit on her bed and look at the picture more. She had the biggest smile on her face, we spent the whole day surfing and just talking. I think that's the moment I knew I liked her more than a friend. But of course I could never tell her that. A tear drop fell from my eye. I got a text from John b that she was awake the next morning, I wanted more than anything to see her but I couldn't bring myself to go to the hospital so I went home...

Hey Guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This one is really short because I wanted to do the entire chapter in JJ's pov the next chapter will switch back to maddi in the hospital.

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