Chapter 57-airport

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Chapter 57- airport



By; Conan Gray

Maddi's pov-

We got back to Charlie's house later that night after diner. Once we got there we all get changed and head back out. Pope told us about a small airport we need to check out. So that's where we are headed.

The streets are crowded and lit up. Teens hang around different places on the beach. The energy in the air makes me feel like I'm in some sort of movie. JJ keeps his arm around my shoulder as we walk through the crowded streets.

I stop in my steps at I see a familiar brown head. Someone walks in front of me blocking my view and when they move the person is gone. That looked just like John b. But it couldn't be. Could it? I don't move in pure shock until JJ nudges me.

"You okay?" He ask concerned. I quickly nod my head.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I force a smile as we continue walking. After a semi long walk we make it to the private airline strip. We go around to a back gate and I pick the lock. When we get in and go to one of the storage building for the planes. After we check the first one and find nothing we move on to the other one but no luck.

"It's not here" I sigh disappointment takes over me.

"It's okay we still have so many other places to check" Kie smiles at me. I force a small smile back.

"We'll find it mads I promise" Topper says placing an arm around me. Suddenly we hear a unfamiliar voice. We whip around to see a women in her early 40's. We all look to each other. JJ motions for the door with his eyes.

"Wait wait!" She says as we move to run. For some reason we all listen. It's like some part of me felt she had something important to say. "Why are you here?"

"Oh you know just goofing off" I lie looking to Kie who backs me up nodding her head vigorously.

"Are you guys looking for something?" All of our eyes go wide at the women's accusation.



"No way"

Topper, Pope and Kie all say at the same time.

"Yeah I think you are. You're looking for gold aren't you?" She says. My jaw drops to the ground. We all look to each other in shock. My heart rate speeds up as we stand staring at the women. No one talks we all just stare at each other.

"How-how" is all I can stutter out.

" you aren't the first people who have came looking for it" she deadpans

"Who else has came?" Topper questions deepening his voice to try and sound tough.

"I can't exactly say" she says.

"Please I really need to know" I beg. She contemplated for a second letting a big puff of air out of her nose.

"Here's what I can do" she pulls out a piece a paper with an address. "Check this place out tomorrow they might have your answers"

"Okay" I breathe "thank you. Thank you so much"

"Now get on out of here before security comes" the lady says. We all agree and turn around leaving out of the back door. The walk home was full of confusion and worry.

Could ward have sent someone to get it? Does someone else know about it? Thoughts swirl around my head as we walk down a beach. As I'm lost in my thoughts I feel a clump of sand hit my back. I spin around to see topper with a big smile.

"Oh you are so dead"

I grab a ball of sand and get ready to throw it when another clump hits me. This time JJ is the one who throws it. I look to Kie who winks at me before filling both her hands with sand throwing one at Pope and the other at JJ. I take this moment to throw one at Topper before Kie and I take off running into the water.

The boys chase us into the water. Waves crash into our legs as we all throw sand at each other. Laughs escape all of ours mouths as wade in the water. All of my stresses and worries wash away and we throw sand at each other. I hop onto Toppers back slamming a sand ball on the side of his face.

JJ pulls me off Toppers back and pushes me into a wave. Water covers me. When I emerge I pull JJ down with me into the next wave. Giggle escape from my throat when I see his face in shock.

"You deserves that" I laugh.

"I guess you're right" he tells me lifting me over his shoulder.

"JJ I swear to god if you don't put me down"
I threaten. He lays me down in the sand plopping down next to me. Topper lays next to me soon after. Kie and Pope join minutes later.

We all lay there staring up at the stars. The sounds of waves fill my ears. The smell of salt water fills my nostrils. The stars shine bright in the sky. The moon reflects off of the ocean. Silence overcomes us until I speak up.

"Do you guys think we'll be able to get it?" I ask referring to the gold.

"I think" topper pauses "yeah we can"

"Definitely" Kie smiles over at me.

"What about you Maddi?" Pope asks.

"I think I have to... for John b" I sigh.

"We'll get it babe... for John b" JJ reassures me.

"Thank you" I say to them.

"For what?" Pope asks.

"For being there for me this past year. And following me on this dumb gold hunt." I sigh.

"Of course" Kie says.

"We'll always be here for you mads" Topper says.

"Besides after I lost my scholarship I could really use the gold money" Pope jokes with a hint of seriousness behind it.

I stand up brushing the sand off of me.

"Let's head back" I say. They all agree and we head back to Charlie's house. When we get there he isn't home. I go into the kitchen and make some popcorn that we all share while talking about today. The boys make some jokes about us getting our nose pierced to which Kie and I just roll our eyes to.

JJ and I take the bedroom. I go into the bathroom to clean up. After I brush my teeth I put on one of JJs t-shirts. I pull my hair into a messy bun. I walk back into the bedroom and see JJ. He's laying on the bed playing on his phone. I crawl in bed next to him. He wraps an arm around me pulling me into his chest. I let out a deep breath closing my eyes.

"What's on your mind pretty girl?" JJ asks kissing the top of my head.

"A lot" I sigh opening my eyes. His heart beats in my ear making me feel calmer.

"Care to enlighten me" he chuckles.

"It's just... if we don't get this gold I feel Like- like I failed John b" I explain. He squeezes me me a little tighter.

"John b was so proud of you. You were his best friend. I don't think you could ever fail him" JJ tries to convince me.

"You think so?" I ask a small smile on my face.

"I know so" he nods.

This chapter was so bad 🤢 next chapter is going to have some drama!

(Make sure to check out my other JJ story!!!!!)

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