Chapter 19- You shouldn't have to be fine

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Chapter 19- You shouldn't have to be fine

(i know I said I wasn't going to upload today but I got another chapter done so here it is)

Maddi's pov-

"JJ stop" I shout as he walks down the stairs and heads towards the van.

"No Maddi" He keeps walking away.

"It's fine, i'm fine" I tell him trying to calm down. He turns to me before talking. His crystal blue eyes meet with my own. His eyes are filled with anger. He takes a deep breath before talking.

"But you shouldn't. You shouldn't have to be fine. You shouldn't have to have all these bad things happen to you. You are a great person- No you are the best person." JJ rants. "You're beautiful, caring , hilarious and deserve so much more than all the crap that happens to you"

I walk to JJ before smashing my lips onto his. He stands there before grabbing my hips and pulling me into him. Butterflies errupt in my stomach. All the fear and anger I had dissapeared when I felt JJ against me. My hands make my way up to his face as he pulls back. I look at him confused before he talks.

"But what about-" I cut him off by giving him another kiss.

"I forgive you" I tell him. It's true, I do. I can't stay mad at him.

"You are perfect, do you know that?" He says with a grin as I wrap my hands around his neck.

"So i've been told" I laugh.

After me and JJ head inside we all pile into the van to try and find the gold. We drive to a big stone wall.

"Why does it have to be here out of all the places" Pope groans.

"Great, we're gonna die" Kie says.

"do you guys know who lives here" JJ asks as we start climbing the wall.

"Yeah, mrs crain" I tell JJ not scared of her. We all climb over the wall.

"I never believed the stories about her" John b says.

"Which ones did you hear" JJ asks.

"That she chopped her husband into pieces" I say moving my fingers and making ghost noises.

"It's all true I knew hollis!" He exclaims. He jumps at a statue making me laugh at him. He walks over and wraps an arm around me.

"How did you know know Hollis Crain" John b questions.

"She was my babysitter, as a kid she never believed the stories about her mom until one day it all came back to her. She walked downstairs to her mom washing blood off her hands saying she cut her finger. Then one day she decieded to use the outhouse and looked down. Her fathers head was looking back" JJ told us looking pretty nervous.

"Don't worry baby, I'll protect you" I mock making him slighty shove me. We look around for water until we come across a basement.

"Dude are you sure you want to go in there, you're in a cast" JJ gestures towards his cast.

"i'm fine , i've got nothing else to loose" John b replies.

"Real nice John b, feeling so loved over here" I say crossing my arms.

"I didn't mean it like that" He tells me, I roll my eyes and walk into the basement.

"Maddi wait" JJ exclaims following me.

"Down came crain and chopped off all their heads, up came the sun and dried up all the blood"JJ sings.

"Will you shut up" Pope says

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