Chapter 31- 10 days

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Chapter 31- 10 days



By; Dean lewis

Maddi's Pov-

Empty. That's all I felt. After all the tears left my eyes I felt nothing. We were still on the ground hugging eachother. Kie, and Pope still sobbing. JJ still had a few tears in his eyes. But me, I felt nothing. Eventually the storm had calmed. I pulled apart from the hug and stood up wiping the tears that remained on my cheeks. Everyone else followed my lead standing up. I see Officer shoupe signing some papers. I walk over to him, he stands up and looks at me with sorrowful eyes.

"can I go home now or are you going to try to arrest me too" I say crossing my arms. Either way I don't care I just wanted to be out of here. shoupe takes a deep inhale before nodding.

"You're free to go, someone will be by in the next few days to go over paperwork and stuff but tonight go home." I spun on my heels and walked out past the group, I left.

"Maddi where are you going?" JJ shouted running after me.


"Okay i'll come with you let me just tell-" I cut JJ off. His eyes were rimmed red from crying and his face was puffy. 

"JJ, I really just want to be alone right now" I beg him. "Please"

"Okay" He nods. I turn away from him and walk home. All the police cars left earlier I guess. I walk inside and into the bathroom. The shower steams up the bathroom as I change out of my clothes as get in. The hot water burns my skin but I don't care. 

My brothers dead. I keep repeating those words in my head but it doesn't feel real. It doesn't feel right. Sobs escape my lips once again. I fall down to the floor pulling my knees to my chest. The hot water mixes with my salty tears. I cry for who knows how long but the water eventually turns cold and I get out.

 I wrap a towel around my body and walk over to the mirror. The mirror showed a girl that I couldn't recognize. My brown hair was in a towel over my head. My cheeks stained red from my tears. Bags sunk low under my eyes. I also had bruises from Rafe earlier. A yawn escaped my lips, tiredness hitting me.

 I went into my room but and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I rolled out of bed and went into John b's room. Flicking the light on I walked in seeing a mess. He had clothes and beer bottles spread around his room. I chuckled at the mess remembering all the times i've told him to clean it up but he would refuse until eventually I would do it for him. 

I walk over to the dresser and pulled out a hoodie of his. It still smelled like him. I put it on and crawled into his bed. More tears fell out of my eyes as I curled up in a ball on his bed. Eventually I fell asleep from a mix of the exhaustion and crying.

JJ's Pov-

It's been 10 days since John b and Sara went missing. It's also been 10 days since anyone has talked to Maddi. After she left the police setup that night she went home. I stayed at Popes giving her the space she needed. Heyward told me I could stay there permenantly but I declined. I'm not going to leave Maddi alone. 

Day 1 after John b's dissapearance we went over there to find Maddi locked herself in John b's room. We all tried to talk to her and get her to let us in but it was silent. Pope and I stayed a little longer than Kie but we only stuck around for an hour. Pope read an article that said she would probably need space for the first day or two so thats what we did. Pope went home and I went to the beach. I tried to stay strong but when I was alone I broke. John b was my best friend, he was like a brother to me. I sat alone on the beach sobbing. I hate crying, despise it. When I was younger and I would cry dad would call me weak and hit me harder. I've learned to hide my emotions but this day I couldn't.

Day 2 was the same. We went to Maddi's house, Kie brought food from the wreck but she never opened the door. We stayed for about an hour and a half today but Pope being Pope reminded us of the article he read so we left and let her mourn. This day I went back to Popes. Him and I fished. It was a pretty good distraction.  Ward got arrested for the murder of big John and Rafe got arrested for the shooting of Peterkin. I went back to Maddi's that night to tell her. I sat against her door and told her everything. It was still silent, I almost thought she wasn't there but I hear a small noise from the other side of the door to let me know she was.

Day 3  We went back but today we stayed most of the day taking turns to try to get her out of the room. Our attemts were unsuccessful. She never left. Pope and Kie went outside to give me some time alone. I tried to talk her into coming out but she never did.

Day 4  We got there and realized she hasn't eaten. I told Kie and Kie threatened Maddi that she would come in there and make her eat. We did the same thing as the other days. She still never came out. It felt pretty hopeless. Kie kept saying she just needed time but I don't know.

Day 5  We found the food Kie left for Maddi gone which meant she was atleast eating. We repeated our routine of trying to get her to come out and waiting around the house to see if she would come out. But just like the other days she never came out.

Day 6 I woke up to officers wanting to meet with me. They told me that Maddi refused to talk to them too. They explained that there were papers she needed to sign. Later I went to her house a little before everyone else. I told her what the police said. Pope and Kie showed up later that day. Kie brought some food plus other things like shampoo and conditioner. The day before we realized she was low. 

Day 7  One week since anyone has talked to Maddi. She still refuses to open the door. Pope and Kie were running out of hope but I wasn't going to give up. I snuck some beer into her fridge when Kie and Pope weren't looking . Maybe a little alcohol will help. Still no Maddi. I also went down to the station to find out my restitution has been paid. It was annoymous so I don't have any idea who did it.

Day 8  Kie and Pope decieded not to come. They said maybe she needs space or whatever. I refused, I don't want her to think we've given up on her. After argument they convinced me to let them not come. I brought the food for Kie and sat it on the table. I grabbed a beer out of the untouch box of them. When I got to her door I sat my back against it and started talking. I spent 6 hours just sitting there. I talked about random things and just sat in silence. I could hear her breathing through the other side of the door and that was enough.

Day 9  Pope and Kie still didn't come. I got pretty mad at them for not coming. Maddi needs us right now and they just want to give up on her. After another arguement I leave with the food from Kie. I get there set it on the table and head to her door. I sit there talking and in the moments of silence listening to her breathing. I miss her more than imaginable.

Today's day 10. Here I am at her door hoping maybe today she'll open it.

So this was my first chapter not based off the show and only me, I hope you Liked it!!! I hope it wasn't too confusing, I wanted to show the ten days but not make it too long , I don't know if it made sense :(  Anyways make sure to vote, comment and add to your list!

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