|Percival| Gentile Giant

651 21 1

Word Count: 713

Warning: mature themes and mentions of sexual situations

A/n: I have no clue why but I love the idea of Percival being a big softy. All he wants is cuddles and gets flustered easily.


|During training|

Percival is training with the other knights. They just finished a sparring match sittling down to have a break. Soon y/n and Geen come out with a small meal and more water for the knights.

"Hello ladies." Arthur greets

"Sire" you and Gwen respond with a bow

Arthur lingers next to Gwen as you pass the food out to the training knights. You took the hint and made haste serving the other knights. After you finish you wait by the other knight for Gwen as she talks to Arthur.

"So Percival," Gwaine starts, "I heard you have yourself a lady" he finished with a smirk

A small blush appears on his cheeks, "im not sure how you even got to that conclusion and even if I did, I'm not sure I'm allowed to speak of it." Percival responds

"Well I hear a voice moaning your name as I passed your chambers on the way back from patrol." Gwaine responds causing Percival to turn as red as a tomato. Suddenly all the knights are interested in the conversation leaning in to hear a response.

"I- I uh." Percival begins to stutter not having a response

"Oh come on Percival do tell" Elyan adds in on the teasing

"I- well I don't think it's right to say anything without her permission." Percival finally works out a response taking a quick glance trying not to make it obvious he's talking about you

"She must have you whipped if you won't even tell us about her." Leon says with a smirk

"I'm surprised there's even a women sane enough to be seeing Percival, he'd crush any lady under that weight." Gwain quips making the knights chuckle

Suddenly you jump into the conversation, "I think you could describe her without saying a name Percival" you starts, "and by the way I think any lady would be lucky to be seeing you." You finish with a smile

"See even lady y/n wants to know who your talking about." Leon says

"Well" Percival starts and clears his throat, "she's kind, and strong, and sometimes stubborn but with good reason, she is a lady of surpassing beauty and she care about others above herself, and although she may never admit it, she is such a hard worker and deserves the world." Percival says sounding completely in love

"Sound's like you're in love Percival." Elyan says

"Aye, I might be." Percival says stealing a glance to you to see your smile brighter than ever

|After training|

The knights finish taking off their training armor. Gwaine jokes around patting Elyan on the shoulder before setting his sights on Percival.

"Why does it always take you twice as long to change out of your armor." Gwaine asks Percival who's still sitting taking of his armor

"Because I'm twice the size of you, little man." Percival quips as Gwaine walks toward him and Elyan follows

"And why is it that your brain is so small?" Gwaine asks tapping Percival on the head. Percival stands up causing Gwaine to step back, Percival smirks seeing him jump back in fear before returning to his armor

|Back in Percival's Chambers|

You layed on Percival's bed waiting for him to walk in. Currently you were in your night shirt, well it was Percival's but he gave it to you when he realized it was too small for him.

You lay on your back head on the pillow as you wait for him. Suddenly the door opens, Percival walks in and begins stripping out of his clothes not saying a word. When he's done he crawls up the bed and his head on your chest, body between your legs, arms wrapped around your waist.

You wrap your arms around him playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "You feeling alright love?" You ask sweetly all you get is a nod. You continue to stroke the hair on the nape of his neck slowly lolling him to sleep. You smile and kiss the top of his head before drifting into sleep.

|The End|

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