You still alive?

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SURPRISEEEEE!!!! Hope y'all weren't expecting this cause I wanted to write an extra chapter for y'all cause I feel bed for ending the book so suddenly. I love you guys so here. "Master has given dobby a sock😂😂"

Word Count: 870


|3rd p.o.v|

The knights arrive at the castle and go to the physicians chambers. They see the door open.

" still alive?" Elyan asks from the hallway

"What do you think?" Gwaine asks walking out with your son (I'm gonna call him Peter)

"Got yourself a son do you?" Percival asks

"Yes, this is Peter" Gwain says holding your son

"How is y/n?" Leon asks

"Good, would you like to see her?" Gwaine responds

The knights all respond with a nod and walk into the chambers

"Hello boys" you say from the bed

"Y/n how are you?" Lancelot asks

"Oh just lovely. I just pushed a baby out of my lady bits but that's the simple part really." You respond and the knights laugh.

Gwaine takes a seat next to you and take Peter. Gwaine watches you as you carefully handle the child with a smile present on his face.

"Y/n" leon starts fidgeting a little

"Yes Leon?" You respond

"Can I mabey, I don't know, hold Peter?" He asks a little nervous

"Of course" you starts to stand up with the help of Gwaine and walk to Leon

You explained how to hold the baby and carefully set Peter in his arms. Leon held Peter and started at him with a giant smile.

"He's so tiny" Leon says looking at you

"He's a baby Leon" you respond with a laugh

Gwaine wraps his arms around you from behind and watched as Leon held the baby. Gwaine whispers in your ear and you nod.

"Gwaine and I have decided that we want Percival and Leon to be the godparents." You say aloud

"If you'd like to of course" Gwaine adds

"Yes" Leon says in a whisper as the baby falls asleep

"I'd like that" Percival says with a smile

Leon hands the baby back to you. You take Peter in your arms and smile down at him. Gwaine watches you in admiration.

"Your so beautiful" Gwaine says in your ear

"Your quite handsome yourself love" you say turning your head to give him a quick peck and a smile

|Time skip cause I have no ideas for this scene to progress|

Your little boy was a year old now, he looked just like Gwaine. You were so happy you did all your daily tasks with your son and even got to see Gwaine during breaks sometimes.

The knights always came to visit you and your son. They would tell you they missed you then hang around to spend time with you and your son.

Gwaine just got home from a hunt. Gwaine walks to you immediately and greets you with a kiss. He then walks into your room and changes into his home clothes.

Gwaine walks back in and kisses you then takes your son. You continue cooking stew for dinner.

"I'll put him down for his nap." Gwaine says walking into the baby's room

When he walks back in he walks up to you and wraps his arms around you from behind. He moves your hair from your neck and leans down. Slowly he leaves kisses down your neck.

"Love?" You say

"Hmmm?" He says continuing to kiss your neck

"What are you doing?" You ask

"I want another" Gwaine says, "I want people to know that your the woman who's having my kids. I want everyone to know that you are my wife. It's not fair that my beautiful wife gets stared at by other men. I want them to know your mine." He says

"Gwaine are you jealous?" You ask

"Yes" he admits a little ashamed

"So you want to have another child so that other men will know you're the one that got me pregnant?" You ask

He nods with his head down looking a little ashamed. You turn around and lift his chin so his eyes meet yours. You lean in and give him a slow passionate kiss.

You pull from the kiss and say, "I suppose that's a good a reason as any" you smile

Gwaine immediately plasters a giant smile on his face and pulls you in for another kiss.

"It'll have to wait till after dinner though. I still need to feed you and our growing boy." You say and turn to continue cooking.

Gwaine agrees with you and begins to do the house work you needed him to do. Once he returned dinner was ready. You went to grab your son.

You lift him from the crib and sit down pulling your top down allowing him to feed. You sit there with your baby until he decides he's full. You put him back in the crib when hes sleeping again.

You walk to the table and join you husband for dinner. You both finish dinner and stay seated to have a conversation.

"So, how about getting to making that second child" Gwaine suggests with a smirk

"Okay love" you say

Gwaine walks over to you and picks you up bridal style carrying you to your bed room.

...The End...

| My Knight In Shining Armor | BBC Merlin x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now