|Leon| In a rich man's world

463 14 0

Word Count: 1380

Warnings: Mature themes and language

(Your a maid in the castle who is teaching Gwen when she starts working there)

"So here is the kitchen's, you won't be in here but in the event that you need food for lady morgana or refreshments come here." You say before continuing on with Gwen quickly following behind

"Here is where we do laundry. We never barrel wash the dresses only sheets. You must hand wash all dresses, shirts, and trousers. For sheets you put the water and some soap in the barrel along with the sheets, you leave and come back later it should be done and ready for hanging. Had to make that laundry Turner because apparently nobody wants to work around here, Except For Me." You say eyeing the maids sitting doing nothing

"I've been working here for seventeen years, ever since I was a wee girl, and have never taken a day off." Suddenly the barrel falls of the place holder, you sigh and slip off your shoes getting into the fountain to fix the barrel. "I work all night I work all day to pay the Bill's I have to pay."

"Ain't it sad" the maids mock with their hands over their hearts

"And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me." You sigh but quickly warn Gwen, "Watch your step."

She gasps and quickly moves her foot, "that's to bad."

"The water makes it slippery." You explain starting to walk away, "In my dreams I have a plan, if I got me a wealthy man." You say stopping in front of the knights training yard starting at Sir Leon, "I wouldn't have to wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball."

Gwen leans toward you to see who your staring at, she spots Sir Leon before her eyes catch Arthur's and he gives her a small wave which she returns with a subdued smile.

"Ugh" you sigh realizing you have to get back to work and grab Gwen's hand, "Come on, let's go." Gwen hurriedly catches up to you falling in step beside you.

"Money, money, money. Must be funny, in a rich mans world. Money, money, money. Must be sunny in a rich mans world." You make your way to the armory, "Ohhh, all the things I could do." You reply before opening the door to the armory.

You grab armor and show her the proper polishing techniques, "If I had a little money, it's a rich mans world. It's a rich man's world."

You put the armor back and grab Gwen's hand taking her through the castle to the main dining hall where they set up for dinner. As soon as the door opens the maids quickly go back to what they're doing when they see you.

"A man like that is hard to find." Gwen starts

"But I can't get him off my mind." You respond

"Ain't it sad?" The maids hum out

"And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me." You adjust the utensils next to the plate

"That's to bad." The maids laugh out

"So I must leave, I have to go. Out of Camelot, around the world. And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same." You let out before you begin walking in time again adjusting every plate along the way, "Money, money, money. Must be funny, in a rich mans world. Money, money, money. Always sunny, in a rich mans world. Ohhh, all the things I could do. If I had a little money, it's a rich mans world." When you reach the end of the table you sighed and clapped your hands together happy the everything was in its proper place.

You went around and filled all the glasses with water leaving the other empty for wine, "Money, money, money. Must be funny in a rich mans world. Money, money, money. Always sunny, in a rich mans world. Ohhh, all the the things I could do. If I had a little money, it's a rich mans world." You finished all the glasses setting the empty jug on a tray one of the girls had.

"It's a rich mans world." The maids say with you

You once again lead Gwen out the doors when you bump into someone taking them down with you. You let out a shriek as the person below you cushioned their fall.

Gwen sees and rushes to help you up, "are you both alright?" She asks as you brush yourself off and let out a tiny laugh, "I'm quite alright, thank you."

"What about you-" your sentence is cut short when you realize that you fell onto Sir Leon who was now standing next to you. You begin to profusely apologize, "Sir Leon, oh Gods, I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me for being such a klutz."

He cut your apologies short by setting a hand on your shoulder, "Don't fret lady y/n. I'm more than fine, It seems the mere sight of you has me falling. Hopefully next time I can sweep you off your feet in a more graceful way." He flirts before bowing and walking away

You bow instinctually mouth still agape at what the man just said to you. Gwen shuts your mouth for you, you swallow before opening to speak.

"Was that-" you start

"Sir Leon? Yes" Gwen completes for you

"Did I-"

"Tackle him in the middle of the hallway? Yes" Gwen once again completes

"Did he-"

"Shamelessly flirt with you in same said hallway? Yes" Gwen answers

"Oh." You say before you walk towards the royal chambers.

You stop in front of a door, "Here is lady morganas room, you'll be doing most of your work in here." You explained before mindlessly walking toward the next rooms

"Here is Arthur's room, on the occasion that Merlin need you to cover for him, and trust me that day will come. This is Prince Arthur's room." You say

"Oh I'm sure it it'll come sooner than I think." Gwen laughs out

"Right, well, now it's time for dinner. If you need anything just remember I will probably be in Uther's room. Seeing as I am his personal maid and a trusted advisor. But until then time to serve dinner." You say heading toward the kitchen

|Time Skip|

You are standing behind Uther against the wall waiting for someone to need something. You look around at all the knights and servants sitting in the hall. Soon you make eye contact with a certain blonde haired knight. He smiles and waves at you which you return.

"Y/n, more wine." Uther orders

"Yes, your majesty." You break eye contact with Leon and immediately go back to work.

When dinner ends you help clean up. After taking everything to the kitchen you make your journey back to your chambers.

"Y/n, may I walk you back to your chambers." Leon says appearing around from a corner

You place your hand over your heart and the man had just scared the life out of you, "Yes, Sir Leon, you may." He holds out his arm and you wrap yours around his in return.

"I have to say, you look very beautiful today." Leon says

"Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself." You respond

You spent the rest of the walk talking and learning things about each other. As you got closer to your chambers you were saddened you didn't want the walk to end. Slowly you both come to a stop in front of your door.

"This is me." You say sadly

"Of course, Goodnight, y/n." Leon grabs your hand and bows to kiss it

You smile brightly at him, "Goodnight Sir Leon. Till tomorrow."

He turns to leave but stops and turns back to you, "If I may, I'd like to go for a ride or walk or anything really, with you sometime." He asks

"I'd like that to. I have tomorrow night off." You suggest

"Perfect. Perfect. Tomorrow night it is then. Goodnight." Leon says bowing

You curtsey back and he walks away. You go inside your chambers and jump onto your bed. You dance to yourself excited to see the handsome blonde knight tomorrow.

|The End|

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