|Gwaine| No need to say goodbye

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Word Count: 1021

Warning: Mature Audiences Only

A/n: I rewatched the Sorcerer's Apprentice so this is inspired by the scene where Balthazar takes Morganas soul out of Veronica.


|3rd p.o.v|

"Where is he?" You asked panicked while bursting into the physicians chambers

"Over there" Gaius points to Gwaine on a cot surrounded by the knights

Gwaine had just been in a terrible fight and was badly injured. You see him and quickly run to him.

You kneel down next to Gwaine who is barely conscious.

"Hello love" Gwaine says turning his head to you with a smile

"Hi" you say barley above a whisper

"How are you?" You ask

"Terrible, but I've felt worse" Gwaine says with a chuckle

"You're such an idiot" you say

"I know. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry, I love you" Gwaine says as if it's going to be the Last thing he says

"Don't say that like that. You are not allowed to say goodbye now." You say taking ahold of his hand.

"Love, look at me" Gwaine says

"No" you say trying not to sob

He grabs your chin and lifts it up so you face him.

"I love you" he says siting up with a grunt and pulling you up to sit with him

You latch your arms around him and whisper "I love you, till the end"

Gwaine slowly becomes limp in your arms.

"No. No. No. No. Gwaine you wake up right now. You're not allowed to leave me." You say pulling back to look at him

He doesn't respond, he's not breathing

"Wake up, please. I can't do this without you" you cry out

"Y/n I'm sorry" King Arthur says putting a hand on your shoulder

"I can't lose him Arthur, I can't. I have to do something." You say holding Gwaine body in your arms

"There nothing you can do y/n" Arthur says

"Yes there is" you say you wipe your tears and look up at Arthur

"Arthur, I- I need to do something that I know you won't like but you need to trust me. You can do whatever it is you need to with me after but let me heal him first." You say begging with tears filling your eyes

"Okay" he agrees not knowing that you mean magic

Yes you had magic but only Merlin and Gwaine knew. They accepted you and you did the same.

You hold Gwaine's upper body and lean over him. You touch your forehead and begin to mutter a spell. You then touch his forehead and go back and forth transferring your energy to him. You then heal him fully.

Arthur, Merlin and the knights stand back and watch. For them it looks like your transferring your soul (YouTube video at 1:10). You transfer the last bit of energy with a kiss.  

Gwaine opens his eyes and see's you. You smile at him and kiss him once again.

"I'm sorry" you whisper letting go of Gwaine and turn to Arthur

Arthur looks at you with anger and betrayal.

"Forgive me Sire, I could not bare to let him die. I shall willingly accept whatever punishment you have for me." You say

"y/n you have been charged with using magic which is clearly forbade in Camelot. You shall be taken to the dungeon to await your punishment." Arthur says and notions for a couple of guards to come collect you.

"What? Sire I beg you don't do this" Gwaine says watching you walk away 

"Sire, if I may, she saved Sir Gwaine" Percival says

"She has used magic which is forbidden in Camelot" Arthur says walking away to his chambers

Gwaine turns to Merlin with a look of sadness, "told you royals were not worth serving" Gwaine mumbles

Merlin runs after Arthur, and knocks when he reaches the King's chambers.

"Come in." Arthur says 

"Sire, I know y/n has used magic but please don't do this" Merlin asks

"Merlin, I am king, and I have to uphold the laws. She will be hanged tomorrow." Arthur says

"But Sire, she is a loyal knight to Camelot and Gwaine's wife." Merlin reasons

"Exactly why this decision is so difficult for me." Arthur says

"Sire, I fear you are making a mistake. There must be another way" Merlin says

"This is the only way." Arthur states

"Is it?" Merlin says with a hint of annoyance

"What do you suggest I do Merlin?" Arthur asks

"You could make magic legal. You are not your father Arthur, you can change the law." Merlin says

|Meanwhile Y/n|

I was sitting down on the dungeon floor, I could easily escape using magic but I would rather die than be a traitor to Camelot. I hear voices and footsteps coming down the hall. I see a familiar group of men making their way to me. 

"Hello boys" I say standing up to talk to them 

"y/n, my love, how are you" Gwaine asks taking ahold of you through the bars

"I'm alright" You respond hugging back

"This isn't right" Lancelot says

"Why would you do this y/n. Why did you reveal yourself to the King" Gwaine asks

"I wasn't gonna let you die" You say sternly to Gwaine

"Mabey we can get Arthur to change his mind" Leon suggests

"Can't you just break out using magic y/n?" Percival ask

"Aye, I can do that but I won't" you say 

"And why not?" Elyan asks  

"I believe in the king. Whatever he has of me is what will happen. If he wants me alive that is his choice to make. And I am to weak I used up a lot of my energy in that spell." You respond plainly 

"I won't watch you to die" Gwaine says 

"Then don't look" you say and peck his lips once more letting go of him

"Now go, all of you. I don't want any of you getting in trouble for speaking with me." You say

They all walk away with sad looks of their faces hoping that the king will change his mind.

|The end? Part 2?|

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