|Gwaine| When He Sees Me

673 18 1

₩ord Count: 1167

Warnings: Mature Themes and Language


"You should just tell him you like him y/n." Gwen says

"You know he is quite taken with you y/n." Merlin adds

"You know I can't do that guys!" You respond

"And why not?" Gaius asks being done with your shit

"Well- I-I......" you stutter trying to think of a response

"Come on y/n!" Gwen smiles

"YEAH! You clearly don't have a reason not to tell Gwaine so just tell him." Merlin adds

"You wanna know why I won't tell him?" You ask them

"Uh, yeah." Merlin scoffs

"I stick with real things. Usually facts and figures. When information's in its place, I minimize the guessing game. Guess what?" You start

"What?" Merlin asks

"I don't like guessing games. Or when I feel things. Before I know the feelings. How am I supposed to operate. If I'm just tossed around by fate? Like on an unexpected date?" You ask while chopping  herbs for an elixir Gauis was making

"With a stranger who might talk too fast. Or ask me questions about myself. Before I've decided that. He can ask me questions about myself. He might sit too close. Or call the waiter by his first name. Or eat Oreos. But eat the cookie before the cream. But what scares me the most. What scares me the most...." you trail off and take a deep breath then swipe the herbs from the board into the pot you were told to.

"Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it?" You ask with a sorrow filled expression

"Ah" Gwen nods in understanding

"What happens then?" You turn to Merlin

He realizes whet you saying and nods with Gwen, "Ah"

"If when he knows me, he's only disappointed? What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that." You sigh out while walking back to your station

"How do you live with that?" Gaius adds while stirring whatever was in the pot

"So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind. This way I get the best view. So that when he sees me, I want him too." You add wiping down the table you were chopping herbs on

"Y/n, don't you think you're being a little, I mean maybe just a tad." Gwen asks from her sitting spot on a chair

You cut her off, "I'm not defensive! I'm simply being cautious. I can't risk reckless dating. Due to my miscalculating. While a certain suitor stands in line. I've seen in movies. Most made for television. You cannot be too careful. When it comes to sharing your life. I could end up a miserable wife."

You turn to Gwen and apologize, "Sorry girls, but he could be criminal, some sort of psychopath. Who escaped from an institution. Somewhere where they don't have girls. He could have masterminded some way to find me. He could be colorblind. How untrustworthy is that? He could be less than kind. Or even worse he could be very nice, have lovely eyes. And make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that? Oh, god..."

"What if when he sees me. I like him and he knows it? What if he opens up a door. And I can't close it?" You question

"What if a door is opened?" Merlin asks sarcastically

"What happens then? If when he holds me. My heart is set in motion. I'm not prepared for that. I'm scared of breaking open. But still I can't help from hoping. To find someone to talk to. Who likes the way I am. Someone who when he sees me, Wants to again." You finish before grabbing your stuff

"I shall be headed to my room now, good day." You say waling to the door

"Y/n can you take this to Gwaine, and replace his bandages while your there." Gaius asks with a basket of stuff

"Ugh, yes, Gaius, I can." You say turning grabbing the basket and making your way to Gwains chambers

When you get there you knock and walk in, "Gwaine? You still alive?" You call out into the dark room

"What do you think?" He asks lighting the candle next to his bed

You smile at his response setting your stuff down. You walk over to a pitcher and a bowl. You fill the bowl with water from the pitch and throw a rag over your shoulder before making your way over to Gwaine. You set the bowl on the nightstand next to his bed and grab the basket with the bandages.

"Why must you always get hurt?" You ask as he sits up

"To have you take care of me." He responds

"Well then I suppose I'll have to find a new job so you stop getting hurt." You say laying out the things for easy access

You look at Gwaine, "Shirt off, edge of the bed." You order

"Yes Ma'am" he says

Gwaine sits on the edge of his bed and groans as he removes his shirt, "Thank you." You say and begin to unwrap his bandages

When they've all been taken off successfully you grab the rag and put it in the water, you wring it out then begging to clean his wound on his upper peck. You dip the rag in water once again before returning to your place standing between Gwaines legs. He places his hands on your hips but you choose to ignore him.

Once you finish cleaning the wound you apply the salve Gaius made and rewrap his wound with fresh bandages. You inspect the bandages and decide that they are good, as you take a step back Gwaine quickly pulls you back to him.

"Where do you think your going?" Gwaine asks

"Back to my chambers, it's quite late." You respond going to step back causing him to tighten his grip. Your knees hit the bed causing you to fall onto Gwaine.

"Sorry." You say sitting up a little to look at him, faces only inches apart

"Its fine, love." He says with a smirk

Slowly you both lean in, both with the intent to kiss when there's a knock at the door. You quickly get off of Gwaine and are standing straight just as Merlin walks in, "Gwaine, Arthur says your going on a hunt tomorrow so be up early." He says quickly before walking out

You quickly clean and gather everything making your way to the door, "wait" Gwaine says grabbing your wrist and pulling you to him planting his lips on yours.

"Thank you, for taking care of me." He says

"Anytime." You reply still a little shocked

"Goodnight, Y/n." He says opening the door for you

"Goodnight, Gwaine." You say and quickly walk to your room turning back only once to see Gwaine with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

|The End|

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