Chapter 15

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I was sitting in my last class, which was biology. I couldn't really pay attention since I was tired and besides that after school I'm supposed to go with Mikasa, Hange and Sasha to a store to buy something for Levi. I still can't believe I'm gonna confess to him, honestly I think it's stupid since I already know he wouldn't go out with me in a million years, but for Mikasa's sake I'm gonna tell him. I heard the bell ring, packed my things and went out. "Y/n wait!" I heard a voice behind me and I already knew who it was. "Aren't you going home?" Levi asked a bit confused. "I'm going a bit later today, sorry. You just go without me ok?" "Tsk, yeah whatever." I quickly exited the school and saw the girls waiting. "Have you been waiting for long?" I asked them panting. "No, don't worry." Mikasa told me.

We were walking in silence, until Hange spoke. "So Y/n, how are you gonna tell him?" I sighed and shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Don't you think it's good enough if I just go up to him and be like 'so I like you'?" Hange faced palm herself. "It's obviously not good enough. Think about it, if he likes you back and you two end up dating and then later marry each other, is that really how you want to remember confessing to him?" "Hange calm down, first of all you took things too far, I'm not gonna marry till much later in life, and second of all I don't even thinks he likes me." Then I heard all three of them sigh. "Don't think like that Y/n, just be optimistic." Mikasa said. "Yeah, the worst that can happen is just him telling you that he doesn't feel the same." Sasha continued. "Well I'm aware of that." I replied. "How about we all go to your house after we buy the present and plan everything, is that ok Mikasa and Y/n?" Hange asked, me and Mikasa nodded.

"What do you think of this?" I asked looking at a set of pajamas. "Do you think he'll like this?" I continued. It was a set of navy blue pajamas. "Isn't going to be kinda weird if you give him a set of pajamas as a present when you confess to him?" Sasha asked. "Well now that I'm thinking, you're right." I told her. We looked around for a bit and I saw a mug. Once I read what it said on it, I laughed a little. "Why are you laughing?" Hange asked. "Oh it's nothing, just this mug. I think it suits him." Hange came closer and read the printing. "Oh, it says 'you're a brat' on it. Ha! That does suit him!" She laughed along with me. "So then, should I buy this?" I asked the girls and they all agreed in response.

"Hey Mikasa, is Eren home?" I asked her. "Yeah he should be." Mikasa stepped closer to the door and knocked. Not long after Eren opened the door, and behind him was Armin. "Oh hi Armin!" I greeted him with a smile. He waved back and smiled in response. Hange and Sasha greeted the boys as well. "Does anybody want tea?" I tried being polite. Everybody rose their hand so I started making tea for everyone. After it was done I brought the tea cups to the coffee table and sat down on the carpet. Next to me was sitting Armin and to my right was Eren. "Wait why are you two still sitting here?" I asked them. I can't have Eren listen to this conversation, he's gonna snap if he figures out I'm trying to confess to Levi. "Well we want to join you guys in your conversation." Eren said. "Well you can't join THIS particular conversation." "Y/n I already told him what we're discussing today." Mikasa said. My eyes widened. 'Why the hell would she tell him?!' "And why would you do that?!!" I asked her, a little bit mad. "I mean I know he's your brother and everything but you don't have to tell him EVERYTHING." I continued. Mikasa opened her mouth to speak but Eren cut her off. "Don't worry Y/n I'm and expert in these things." He said with self confidence. 'And since when is Eren an expert in love?' "Well, ok whatever, you two can stay I guess." I finally gave in. And just as those words left my mouth, Eren's voice was heard again. "Ok, so you should play "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra at full volume and just shout 'I love you' or something." He suggested with a grin plastered on his face. "I'm NOT gonna do that" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "No I think it should be simple and clear." Mikasa suggested. "Like how about, you write him a letter explaining your feelings, and then when we get to our hotel, you just go knock at his door and give him the letter and wait for his response." She then continued. I nodded in response. "I like that idea. I wouldn't be able to speak anyways. I would be a stuttering mess." After we decided, Sasha, Hange and Armin went home. Mikasa and I went to our room and I began writing the letter. And he better likes it, because I put my Heart and soul into that letter.

Levi pov:
I was pacing back and forth in my room, thinking how should I confess. I thought maybe I could sing her a song but that's too cliche. I thought that I could draw her something but then I remembered. I can't draw to save my life. And everything that I thought seemed not good enough or just a bad idea in general. So I decided to call four-eyes. I picked up the phone and dialed her number, after a second, she picked up. "What's up shorty!" "Look four-eyes I don't have much time to talk. The reason I called was just because I needed your suggestion." I explained. "Let me this about how you're gonna confess to Y/n?" She asked in her annoying fucking tone. "Yes it is. Everything I thought of, I don't like." "Listen Levi, don't stress yourself too much. She's a special girl but she doesn't need much to be happy, so how about you buy her chocolate and flowers go up to her hotel room and tell her how you feel. I'm sure she'll appreciate that." And for the first time in my life shitty-glasses said something helpful. "Ok, that's what I'm gonna do then." After that I hung up and went to relax a bit since in two days will be my big day.

'I hope she feels the same way.'

Hiii guyss!!! First of all I want to say I'm sorry that I didn't upload for a month, I feel guilty about that. I just kinda lost motivation and I was thinking if I should even finish the story or not, but I remembered that before I started this I promised myself that I would finish it no matter what, so here I am updating again. I hope you liked this chapter. And also I'm super excited because AoT season 4 finally started. Okay that's all I got to say, stay safe guys and comment your opinions on this chapter or the story in general if you want to of course. Byee!

From Lin to Reader-chan♥️

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